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    1、AMT车辆自动变速技术的发展及国内现状1前言 车辆的自动变速技术是车辆改进和完善传动系统的一个重要方向,从1939年带有液力变矩器的全自动传动系统问世以来,自动变速技术得到了长足的进步和发展,特别是近代微电子技术在车辆上的应用,使得自动变速技术在车辆上的应用越来越广泛。 自动变速技术在车辆上的应用主要有三种:AT(AutomaticTransmission)传动系统、CVT(Con-tinuouslyVariableTransmission)传动系统、AMT(Automated MechanicalTransmission)传动系统。AT传动系统是指液力变矩器+行星齿轮变速器组成的自动变速系统


    3、轴式机械变速传动系统基础上增加自动变速操纵系统ASCS组成的。AMT具有传统齿轮变速器传动效率高、成本低、易于制造等优点,同时也具有操纵方便的自动变速功能。 2AMT的原理 AMT是在传统的固定轴式变速器和干式离合器的基础上,应用微电子驾驶和控制理论,以电子控制器(ECU)为核心,通过电动、液压或气动执行机构对选换档机构、离合器、油门进行操纵,来实现起步和换档的自动操作。AMT的基本控制原理是:ECU根据驾驶员的操纵(油门踏板、制动踏板、转向盘、选档器的操纵)和车辆的运行状态(车速、发动机转速、变速器输入轴转速),综合判断,确定驾驶员的意图以及路面情况,采用相应的控制规律,发出控制指令,借助于

    4、相应的执行机构,对车辆的动力传动系统进行联合操纵。 3AMT的发展 AMT的发展大致分为2个阶段:单独控制阶段、整体控制阶段。单独控制指AMT的控制对象只包括选换档机构、离合器、油门机构,其控制的策略只是实现起步,换档时的人工操纵的自动化;整体控制不仅实现人工操纵的自动化,而是对整个传动系统进行控制,以提高传动系统的性能和智能。 AMT的单独控制经历了3个阶段。第一阶段是半自动AMT的发展与成熟阶段。早在六七十年代欧洲一些手动变速器生产厂家就已开始离合器自动化的研究,通过全机械或液压控制实现离合器的自动化,但这种系统的控制效果不好,没有太多的应用。20世纪70年代中期,AMT的研究方向是半自动

    5、辅助换档系统。车辆的换档时刻由驾驶员决定,由电子控制系统完成换档操作的功能。瑞典Scania的CAG系统、德国DamlerBenz的EPS系统采用的都是半自动AMT,驾驶员踩离合器确定换档时刻(电子显示器可提示驾驶员何时为最佳换档时刻)电子控制系统接受到换档指令后,控制执行机构实现换档操作。同一时期,白俄罗斯工学院采用2参数换档规律由控制系统完成选档和换档时机的确定及其执行,但在起步时,仍由驾驶员操纵离合器以实现车辆的起步。 第二阶段是全自动AMT的发展。从1981年底,五十铃公司和富士公司开始开发AMT,于1984年秋在世界上最先研制成功电子控制机械式有级全自动变速器NAVI-5装于ASKA

    6、轿车投放市场,该车已经能够实现车辆的起步、换档自动控制。同期,日本的Nissan、瑞典的SAAB、美国的Ford、意大利的FIAT、德国的ZF、法国的Ranault都对全自动AMT进行了研究开发,研究的重点是离合器的起步控制、换档操纵规律,各大公司对全自动AMT的研究使全自动AMT进入了实用阶段。 第三阶段是AMT智能化的研究。由于离合器的起步控制和换档操纵规律与外界道路环境情况、人的主观驾驶意图、车辆的运行状态密切相关,一般的控制策略易造成离合器的过快磨损、弯道意外换档等不良现象。故采用模糊控制策略、神经网络控制策略等智能控制方法,以提高AMT传动系统的智能。 AMT的整体控制是在微电子技术

    7、在车辆上广泛采用的基础上产生的。目前,电子产品在车辆上的应用已超过30,电控发动机、电控自动变速、防抱死制动系统(ABS)、防侧滑(ASR)等相继在车辆上使用。因此,将AMT的控制同发动机、ABS、ASR、ACCS(AutonomousCruiseControlSystem)的控制相结合,实现动力传动系统一体化控制,可提高传动系统的性能,优化控制效果。美国伊顿公司的最新产品Autoshiff涵盖了6、7、10、18档变速器,与Caterpillar电控发动机相匹配,换档操作过程无需分离离合器,通过控制发动机及变速器内的制动装置对发动机转速进行调节,使换档主从件实现同步,完成换档操作。 由于采用

    8、AMT的车辆存在换档期间中断动力的缺点,将AMT与轮边电动机发电机相结合,形成混合动力传动,换档期间电动机驱动车辆,车辆制动时发电机将机械能转换成电能储存起来,这种混合驱动方式可能是AMT技术发展的趋势。 4国内AMT的现状 国内对AMT技术的研究开展的比较晚,九五期间被列为“九五”科技攻关项目。目前,开展这方面研究的有吉林工业大学、北京理工大学、上海交通大学、深圳市欣源晟实业有限公司、哈尔滨埃姆特汽车电子有限公司、重庆东方欧翔汽车电子有限公司等。国内的研制水平基本上处于AMT单独控制的第二阶段,和国外相比还存在着相当大的差距,但在理论上的研究和国际水平相当。 吉林工业大学对AMT理论进行了广


    10、档、换档的操作动作,通过对传动机构的设计,选档和换档的操作只需一个电机就可完成,离合器的驱动机构采用省力装置,减小了驱动电机的功率。 由于国内车辆普遍装备固定轴式机械变速器,故在国内开展AMT技术研究大有前途,对手动机械变速器进行改造,实现车辆的自动换档,能够提升车辆档次。目前国内生产的大部分轿车是从国外引进的,国内对这些轿车都没有独立的知识产权,外国厂商有可能不愿意采用国内的AMT技术来改造其手动传动系统。因此,在国内自主生产的大客车、载货车辆等大型车辆上采用AMT技术,实现车辆的自动换档,具有广阔的前景。 作者:江铃股份公司全顺厂殷红幸北京理工大学董玉梁来源:世界汽车2002年第7期 Ti

    11、tle:A global market review of automotive transmissions - forecasts to 2012, 3rd edition (download)Price & Format:GB2085 Multi-user Licence (pdf) Format GB695 Single-user Licence (pdf) Format Published:Nov 2004 Description:This 3rd edition is the latest version of our hugely popular global transmissi

    12、ons forecast report. It represents the latest reporting and analysis of transmissions technology, suppliers, integrators and OEM transmission activity globally. We have also updated all JV/alliances, plus forecasts and manufacturer profiles have been completely overhauled since the launch of our 2nd

    13、 edition. You can also expect the same detail and depth of analysis from our transmissions expert Jeff Daniels (author of the 2nd edition).This report is your definitive guide to the world of automotive transmissions. It will give you an incredible insight into: Who is exploring which technologies,

    14、with which VMs and technology partners Explanations of IVT, CVT, AMT, dual clutch and innovative future technologies Will give you the following data: Total vehicle market by region (inc cars, light trucks & LCVs) - to 2012 Manual transmission market shares and volumes - to 2012 Total manual transmi

    15、ssions - forecasts to 2012 Market shares & volumes (CVT) - to 2012 Market shares & volumes (AMT - including twin clutch) - to 2012 Market shares & volumes (Innovative automatics) - to 2012 Will show you what all the major players are doing - by transmission type:Conventional Automatics: Antonov, Aud

    16、i, BMW, DaimlerChrysler, Fiat Auto, Ford, General Motors (GM), Honda, Mitsubishi, Nissan-JATCO, PSA, Renault, Toyota-Aisin AW, Volkswagen Group & ZF New Automatics (CVT / IVT): Audi, BMW, Borg-Warner, Robert Bosch, DaimlerChrysler, Fiat Auto, Ford, General Motors, Honda, Nissan-JATCO, PSA, Renault,

    17、Ricardo, Subaru (Fuji Heavy Industry), Torotrak, Toyota-Aisin AW, Valeo, Volkswagen, Volvo & ZF New additions for the 3rd edition: Manual transmissions: future market prospects Conventional automatic transmissions - future market prospects Innovative transmissions - future market prospects Electric

    18、traction effect on the transmission market Ensure you keep your transmissions knowledge current with this unparalleled report.About the authorMultiple award-winner Jeff Daniels has been highly praised by his peers and readers on countless occasions. Amongst his accolades is the Pierre Dreyfus Award

    19、as UK Motoring Journalist of the Year in 2002. Despite numerous demanding clients, including The Economist Intelligence Unit, the Financial Times, Automotive Engineer, just-, European Automotive Design, Motor Industry Management, he continues to work as a journalist, translator and TV broadcaster.Ex

    20、tract from the report - Chapter 1 Automotive transmissions - present and futureRequirement: the need for transmissionBy definition, the transmission in a self-propelled vehicle is the system that transfers drive from the power unit output to the driven wheels. The power unit may take several forms,

    21、which create different transmission requirements. An electric motor can be brought to rest, and designed to provide substantial torque output from zero speed, which greatly simplifies the transmission requirement. However, the vast majority of vehicles are powered by internal combustion engines, and

    22、 in this case the transmission has to compensate for the inherent drawbacks of the engine - including its need to remain running when the vehicle is stationary, and its low torque output except within a given speed range, typically 1,200-5,000rpm for a spark-ignition engine and 800-3,500rpm for a di

    23、esel. Some kind of clutching arrangement is therefore needed to enable the engine to continue running with the vehicle at standstill, and some form of gearbox is needed with a sufficient spread of input-to-output ratios to enable the engines speed to be maintained within the useable torque range wha

    24、tever the vehicles speed. The clutch and gearbox assembly has itself become widely thought of as the transmission, neglecting the many complexities that exist between the gearbox output and the driven wheels.The greater part of this report sets out to deal with the transmission in this more restrict

    25、ed sense. It must still be borne in mind that significant engineering problems need to be overcome in the design of the final drive and differential unit, which provides a further gearing stage while dividing the input torque between the driven wheels, and in the design of the jointed propeller and/

    26、or drive shafts, which carry the drive to the wheels themselves.Overall solutionsFor the first half-century of the practical internal combustion engined road vehicle, there was only one form of transmission. This consisted of a friction clutch, operated by the driver via a pedal, and a gearbox in wh

    27、ich various ratios could be selected by the driver, using some form of lever acting on the actual selector mechanism. By 1940 this arrangement had been brought to a level of development, mainly through improved clutch design and the introduction of synchromesh, which enabled vehicles to be driven wi

    28、thout requiring any great strength or skill on the part of the driver. That development has continued, to the point where both the main components of a modern manual transmission - the clutch and the gearbox - are light and virtually foolproof in operation, with high durability unless they are consi

    29、stently (accidentally or deliberately) mistreated.At the same time, from the early days of motoring, there was a desire to free the driver altogether from the task of manipulating the clutch and gearbox. Up to the 1930s many systems were tried, with fairly consistent lack of success. However, in 194

    30、0 General Motors began production and installation of the first Hydra-Matic automatic transmission, setting the pattern for most of the automatics in use today, with a fluid flywheel or torque converter taking the place of the manually operated clutch, and a gearbox with epicyclic trains delivering

    31、a range of gear ratios through the braking or clutching together of various elements of the trains, selection being entrusted to an automatic system reacting to various input signals, primarily vehicle speed and accelerator pedal position. The computation of shift points, once entrusted to complex h

    32、ydro-mechanical systems, is now almost invariably electronic. This trend has made possible far more sophisticated operation, eliminating many of the less desirable characteristics of earlier automatic transmissions.The overall marketNeglecting the relatively small demand for reconditioned units, the

    33、 size of the new vehicle market determines the size of the transmissions market. Worldwide sales of light-duty vehicles - passenger cars, SUVs, MPVs, light trucks and commercial vehicles up to 3.5 tonnes MGVW - amounted to over 54m in 2003. All these vehicles had basically similar transmission requi

    34、rements, markedly different from those for the heavy commercial vehicles mainly used for freight haulage.It is accepted that the figure will grow, although in present circumstances (as at October 2004) forecasts of growth in the fully developed markets are understandably being revised down. In the r

    35、apidly developing markets of Asia, and above all in China, the picture is conversely one of extremely rapid growth. While it remains likely that the NAFTA and EU markets will grow overall by less than 5% in the years to 2012, the same period is likely to see the Asian market (even when Japan is excl

    36、uded) growing to rival the EU market in size. Forecasts prepared for this report, and shown in Table 1, taking the current political and economic uncertainties into account, suggest a world market for private passenger and light commercial vehicles of 72.3m by 2012, compared with 52.9m in 2000.Table

    37、 of contents Chapter 1 Automotive transmissions - present and future Requirement: the need for transmission Overall solutions The overall market Technical alternatives Chapter 2 Manual transmissions The market for manual transmissions Clutches Manual gearboxesManual gearbox manufacture and supply Ma

    38、nual transmissions: future market prospects Chapter 3 Conventional automatic transmissions The market for conventional automatics The main trends Automatic transmission manufacture and supply Antonov Audi BMW DaimlerChryslerFiat Auto Ford General Motors (GM) Honda Mitsubishi Nissan-JATCO PSA Renault

    39、 Toyota-Aisin AW Volkswagen Group ZF Conventional automatic transmissions - future market prospects Chapter 4 New types of automatic transmission The market for new types of automatic transmission The main trends CVTs IVTs Automated manual transmission (AMT) New types of transmission: manufacture an

    40、d supply Audi BMW Borg-Warner Robert Bosch DaimlerChrysler Fiat Auto Ford General Motors Honda Nissan-JATCO PSA Renault Ricardo Subaru (Fuji Heavy Industry) TorotrakToyota-Aisin AWValeo Volkswagen Volvo ZF Innovative transmissions - future market prospects Chapter 5 The long-term prospect A reducing

    41、 need? Hybrid vehicles Electric vehicles Electric traction effect on the transmission market Chapter 6 Downstream of the gearbox Other transmission components Control of torque distributionList of tablesTable 1: Total Vehicle Production by Area (includes cars, light trucks and LCVs) in units (000s)

    42、Table 2: Manual transmission market shares and volumes (000s units) Table 3: Automatic transmission market shares and volumes (000s units) Table 4: Market Shares and Volumes: CVTTable 5: Market Shares and Volumes: AMT (including twin-clutch) Table 6: Market Shares and Volumes: All Innovative Automat

    43、ics Table Of Contents:To Order this report:Please contact us below: Oliver Wilkinson, Research Store ManagerPhone:+44 (0)1527 573 609 Internationally1-866-545-5878 toll free from the USEmail:storejust-Fax:+44 (0)1527 577 423Post:Aroq Ltd, Seneca House, Buntsford Park Road, Bromsgrove, Worcs, B60 3DX

    44、, United Kingdom. Or, if online, click the Order Now button below:窗体顶部 窗体底部Or go to the below link to print out a fax order form:http:/just-汽車電子技術優勢探討 作者張孟俊、孫鴻航現今的電子技術已經廣泛應用於汽車的各個領域,改善了汽車的性能,使汽車在安全、節能、環保及舒適等各方面都有了長足的進步。本文從發動機系統、底盤系統、車身、電動汽車、智慧型汽車與整車控制系統等多方角度對當代汽車電子技術的發展和優勢進行分類介紹與綜述。 近年來,汽車電子技術的迅速發展大

    45、大改善了汽車的各項性能。專家預測:未來五年內汽車上的電子裝置成本將占汽車整體成本的25以上。汽車已經由單純的機械產品發展成為高級的機電一體化產品。廣告21世紀汽車的三大任務分別是:安全、節能與環保。其中環保與節能主要表現在引擎與傳動系統的電子控制以及燃料電池、CAN通訊及X-By-Wire為代表的電動汽車、整車控制技術方面,而行駛安全性則主要表現在ABS、TCS、VDC、4WS與TPMS等核心電子控制技術的發展上。除此之外,還有為提高行駛舒適性而開發的電控懸架技術,以及為提高汽車智慧化而開發的自動避撞系統、車載導航系統等電子控制技術。現代汽車電子技術的發展可以分為以下六大類: 引擎電子控制 底

    46、盤系統電子控制 車身電子控制 電動汽車技術 智慧汽車 智慧交通(ITS)技術 整車控制技術引擎電子控制目前,汽油引擎的電子控制技術已經日趨完善,而國內外的柴油引擎電子控制技術則發展迅速,新技術層出不窮。近年來,高壓燃油直噴系統(Common-Rail Systems)和高壓共軌噴射系統的發展使柴油引擎的燃油經濟性和排放性都有了很大的改善。廢氣再迴圈(EGR)技術、氧化催化器和微粒捕捉器也改善了柴油引擎的各項廢氣排放。引擎管理系統則對噴油和進氣過程進行綜合控制,保證引擎能夠在保持良好動力性的基礎上,達到最佳的燃油經濟性和排放性,同時降低雜訊和振動。引擎管理系統的核心技術是微控制器(Micro C

    47、ontroller Unit;MCU),它為汽車動力傳動系統從機械系統向電子系統轉變提供了更強的計算處理能力。近幾年由於MCU功能的增強,智慧型感測器、智慧型功率IC的出現,使得電子控制單元(ECU)硬體電路的設計變得非常簡單,工作更為可靠。燃油噴射系統使用的主要感測器,如進氣歧管壓力感測器和曲軸轉速、曲軸位置感測器,隨著半導體製程技術的提高,已將感測元件及其輸出信號的處理電路都整合在一塊晶片上,感測器的輸出信號可以直接送給MCU。除此之外,還增加了過電壓、電源極性反接和抗干擾輸出保護等功能。智慧功率IC,已將線性放大電路,數位電路和功率元件都整合在一塊晶片上,並且還增加了一些特定的功能。例如,噴油器驅動IC是一片四路低端開關智慧功率IC,可分別驅動四個獨立的噴油器,並且還具有負載開路檢測、電感性負載高電壓鉗位元、過熱、過電壓和過電流斷電保護以及自動恢復等功能。元件的輸入端可以直接和MCU引腳相連,還可診斷工作狀態並輸出報告,通過SPI口送給MCU進行處理。使用新元件設計電路板時,可以省去感測器輸入信號的調理電路(conditioning circuit)和用於驅動功率管理的前置放大電路以及監測電路,使電路板設計變得更為簡單。目前,MCU技術的發


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