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    1、English around the world说课稿各位评委老师早上好!我报考的是20XX年高中英语教师资格证。我的测试号是XXX号。今天我说课的内容是高一英语English around the world。以下我将从说教材,说学情,说教法学法,说教学过程,说板书设计等五个阶段来完成我今天的说课。(一) 说教材(1) 教材的地位和作用:本课节选自普通高中课程标准实验教材必修一第二单元的内容。本文主要讲的是英语的发展和英语的种类。而学生作为英语语言的学习者,有必要较为深刻地了解英语语言的一些相关信息。减少学生在今后英语学习中的一些障碍。所以说本课在书中有着非常重要的作用。(2) 根据对教材的

    2、理解和内容的分析,我将从三个方面来说明教学目标:知识,技能和情感三个方面。就知识目标而言:First, make students master the useful expressions. Just like play a role in,because of,come up, such us,play a partSecond, get Ss know the development of English or the change of English就技能目标而言:1.Make Ss know how to get the key sentence of a paragraph2.T

    3、rain Ss to read the text with correct pronounciation and intonation.3.Improve the Sscomprehension ability就情感目标而言:Make Ss notice the importance of English and the possibility of Chinese English popularity in the future.(3)以上从对教材和教学目标的分析中,可以知道本课的重点难点是。本课重点是:1)提高学生的阅读能力 2)使学生掌握一些有用的表达确定该重点的依据:单词及语法是学习理

    4、解这篇课文的首要因素。本课难点是:让学生学会使用这些有用的表达确定该难点的依据:同学们对英语发展并不熟悉,让他们了解英语对生活和学习都至关重要。(二) 说学情假设今天我教授的是南昌市某所普通高中高一年级的学生。对于英语,学生在经历了小学初中的英语学习之后有了一定的了解。但是对英语的发展情况,英语的种类,各种英语类型形成的原因,他们知道的不多,需要进一步了解。(来源淘课件网taoK)(三) 说教法学法教法(1) 采用问题引导教学法,激发学生主动参与的热情。(2) 采用分组讨论教学法,使学生在讨论的过程中加深对知识或课文内容的理解。(3) 学生采用快速阅读的方法,训练学生的阅读速度。(4) 学生采

    5、用精读的方法。帮助学生逐字逐句认识单词,短语,并掌握文章大意。(5) 采用练习巩固教学法,使学生能够对所掌握的东西加以灵活运用,举一反三。学法回答教师所提出的问题,循序渐进地完成教师交给的任务,与教师的授课步骤一致地学习,促进学生形成良好学习习惯和学习方法(四) 说教学过程(1)Lead-in:我将以头脑风暴的方式向学生提出一系列与本文有关的问题作为今天课堂的导入。问题如:1.Do you know the countries where people speak English? List them on a piece of paper.2.What are the two main gr

    6、oups of English?3.Do you know the differences between British English and American English?4.Do you know the history of English?因为这能使学生在开始阅读之前,在头脑中对文章内容进行预测。而且带着问题去阅读,能提高阅读的效率。(2)Fast-reading: 让学生在经过快速阅读之后,能概括出文章大意。并且要他们找出每段的关键句或要求学生用自己的话概括每段大意。此环节进行中,我将全班同学分成五组,并要求每组派代表发言回答问题,这样可以调动全班积极性,增强学生参与的热情。

    7、最后我将给出答案供学生对照参考。(来源淘课件网)Paragraph 1: The spread of the English language in the worldParagraph 2: Native speaker can understand each other but they may not be able to understand everything.Paragraph 3-4: All languages change when cultures communicate with one another.Paragraph 5: English is spoken as

    8、 a foreign language or second language in Africa and Asia.(3) Intensive Reading在该部分中,我将逐段对该文进行讲解。让学生对本文的生词形成初记忆,对本文的一些有用表达有较为深层次的理解。与此同时,我还将对一些有助于学生理解文章的问题进行着重解答。生词如:international, native, elevator, flat, apartment, rubber问题如:1. Give the three major periods of the development of English.the end of t

    9、he 16th century- the next century - todayWho promoted the spread of English?People. When they moved, they carried English to different places.2 T: Although they speak English, yet sometimes they can not understand each other well, why?- Because there exist differences between different Englishes, no

    10、t only in vocabulary, but also in pronunciation and spelling. (hot/mum/honour/ honor/neighbour/neighor.)3 T: How do these differences come about? (Why does English change over time?)- Because of cultural communication.Ask ss to find out the characteristics of each time according to the time axis.AD4

    11、50-1150: German1150-1500: less like German; more like FrenchIn the 1600s: Shakespeares EnglishThe time ADEL was written: American EnglishLater: Australian English(4) Post-Reading在对文章有一定的了解之后,我们知道了英语已被世界各个国家作为母语,第二语言,外语三种主要形式广泛运用。但是文章发人深省的一句Will Chinese English become one of the world Englishes? - “

    12、Only time will tell”引导着学生们继续思考。我也将以其他问题来辅导学生进行思考。T: How do you understand this sentence?- It means that something can only be known in the future.(来源淘课件网taoK)T: What can you infer from this sentence about the development of English in China?- It indicates that it remains to be seen just how much the

    13、 Chinese culture will influence the English language in the present country.(5) Homework1. Find out some words and sentences you think are beautiful and recite them.2.Write a short passage about the differences between British and American English, mainly the reason and some examples of the differences.(五)说板书设计American English & British EnglishDifferences Keywords a.Meaning b. Spelling c. Pronunciation d. Words


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