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    1、Business English:Viewing Listening&Speaking Business English:Viewing Listening&Speaking 主讲人:主讲人:Unit 7Unit 7ProductProductPresentationsPresentations By xxx-Identify the structure of a product presentation;-Develop communication skills to:Describe a product;-Compare the features of products;-Ask for

    2、information about a product;-Make a brief product presentation.After completing this lesson,you should be able to:ObjectivesContentsWarm-up1Listening&Speaking2Language Focus3Viewing&Speaking4Research&Presentation5Part I Warm-up1.Discuss with your partner the following question:What would you like to

    3、 know when you buy a digital camera and report your answers to the class.2.Role-play the conversation between a purchaser and a salesperson.HintsPart II Listening&SpeakingListen to an introduction to Honda ASIMO robot and Listen to an introduction to Honda ASIMO robot and complete the table below.(P

    4、age 75)complete the table below.(Page 75)1st ASIMONew ASIMOHeightWeightRunning speed120cm130cm43kg54kgNull6km/hFeatures:l1st ASIMO:(Compared to P3)l1)smaller and lighterlmore 2)people-friendly designedlmore advanced walking technologylsimple operationlan expanded range of 3)arm movementlNew ASIMO:(C

    5、ompared to 1st ASIMO)lTaller and 4)heavierlcan talk alongside 5)its controllerlcan move carts and other objects around 6)at willlhas a(n)7)total controlsystemlmore agilelcan run at 6km/h,and 8)turn while running Turn to Page 76,choose a product you interested with and use the sentences and words on

    6、page 76 and 77 to make a product presentation.Part III Language FocuslUse Gestures to make things visual and clear.ll Use an expressive voice to emphasize points and show your enthusiasm for your product.ll Always stand,even when you are talking to a small audience.ll Use highlights or colors to emp

    7、hasize important points.ll Use controversy-It is sometimes useful to start your presentation with a controversial statement to grab your audiences attention.ll Use metaphors to help with visualization.ll Make sure you have a smooth verbal transition between slides for a very polished presentation Ti

    8、psLanguage ExpansionDescribing specifications and features of productsThe length/width/height/thickness/depth is 70cm.The computer desk is 90*50*70cmIts diameter is 80cmThis purse is made of genuine leather.The machine is easy to operate.Comparing productsThis computer runs much faster than that one

    9、.On-site service for the laptop is not as cheap as that for the desktop.This car will save 10%on your fuel costs than that one.Asking for product informationWhats its length/width/height/thickness/depth?What are the main features of your product?What are the specifications?Whats special about this m

    10、odel?Part IV Viewing&SpeakingVideo 1 Which one is better?Pre-viewingThink of a list of characteristics that a good sales representative should have.Discuss characteristics in turn.List them and come up with on the board.ViewingListening and Viewing the video,complete the work on Page 80.Post-viewing

    11、 Role-play the demonstration between a salesperson and a customer in pairs,referring to the expressions provided.Video 2 It does more than you expect!Work in groups and choose one brand cellar phone to analyze and compare the advantages and disadvantages.Try to make a product presentation.1.Whats NO

    12、T being introduced in the presentation?A.price.B.Specifications.C.Warranty.2.How does the Fora 1300 compare to the SAMSUNGi700?A.Its cheaper.B Its smaller.C.Its lighter.3.Which of the following statements is NOT true about the Fora 1300?A.It can be used to browse the Internet.B.It will be launched o

    13、n January 15th next year.C.Its a type of PDAlFeatures of the Fora 1300lIts small enough to 1)fit right in the palm of your hand.lIt incorporates a small,yet functional physical keypad.lIt makes both a great PDA and a cellphone.lIt can store up to 2)1,000 contact names.lIt allows you to browse on the

    14、 Web.lIt allows you to perform certain tasks that 3)you would normally need a computer for.lIt has normal features such as a clock,alarm,reminders,stopwatch,calculator,games,tone composers,etc.lIt has a built-in 4)camera and 5)speakerphone.Research&PresentationlWork in groups and find some related information of a product,including the companys performance,features,brand image,etc.lHave each group make a presentation in class.PPT or handouts are preferred for the presentation.Business English:Viewing Listening&Speaking Business English:Viewing Listening&Speaking 主讲人:主讲人:By xxx


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