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    1、Clothing Culture in Britain10级英教级英教 Clothes in Victorian Period bowler hat(“波乐帽波乐帽”)Tailcoat(燕尾服燕尾服)Scottish kilt(基尔特)基尔特)British Style(英伦风英伦风)Part one typical clothes in Great BritainVictorian costume features Victorian style are from 1837 to 1901,during the reign of Queen.In the conservative Victo

    2、rian era,the need for pure culture,women must put their tightly wrapped荷叶边lotus leaf立领collarmulti-layered cake cutting(多层次蛋糕裁剪),high waist(高腰)wrinkle(褶皱leg of mutton sleeves(羊腿袖)蝴蝶结bowsCorset(紧身褡)women with high social status would wear corsets,which drags to the ground with a long skirt,and fastens

    3、 the waist.Wearing this tight-fitting suit seems elegance.Clothes in Victorian Period bowler hat(“波乐帽波乐帽”)Tailcoat(燕尾服燕尾服)Scottish kilt(基尔特)基尔特)British Style(英伦风英伦风)Part one typical clothes in Great Britainbowler hat(“波乐帽”)The most prominent of England national dress is the English gentlemans bowler

    4、 hat.The bowler hat,also known as a coke hat,is a hard felt hat with a rounded crown originally created in 1849。Traditionally,the British nobility,distinguished celebrities have to wear this hat.Today,in the streets of major cities,such hats have been rare,but not disappeared.tailcoat(燕尾服燕尾服)Tailcoa

    5、ts originated in the United Kingdom,in the 18th century,evolved from the cavalry service.The historical reason that coats were cut this way was to make it easier for the wearer to ride a horse.But it is extremely beautiful.This makes the other branches to follow up.Thus,cavalry clothing had become f

    6、ashion among civilians and officials and popular in Britain and its colonies.Over the years tailcoats of varying types have evolved into forms of formal dress for both day and evening wear.Clothes in Victorian Period bowler hat(“波乐帽波乐帽”)Tailcoat(燕尾服燕尾服)Scottish kilt(基尔特)基尔特)British Style(英伦风英伦风)Part

    7、 one typical clothes in Great BritainScottish kilt(基尔特)The kilt is a knee-length garment with pleats at the rear,originating in the traditional dress of men and boys in the Scottish Highlands of the 16th century.Since the 19th century it has become associated with the wider culture of Scotland in ge

    8、neral,or with Celtic heritage even more broadly.It is most often made of woollens cloth in a tartan pattern.In many formal occasions,In many formal occasions,daily entertainment daily entertainment occasions,Scottish people occasions,Scottish people will choose to wear this dress will choose to wear

    9、 this dress to attend,to attend,SomeSome schools also choose schools also choose this kind of dress as this kind of dress as uniforms.We can see that uniforms.We can see that Scotlands Scottish skirt has Scotlands Scottish skirt has been an indispensable part been an indispensable part of.of.British

    10、 Style(英伦风)British refers to the Greater London area.British Style is generally originated from England Oxford,Cambridge and other famous universities of students in the usual costumes,mainly in stripes and grid-based.Compared to the elegance of Paris,luxury of Milan,simplicity in New York,the Briti

    11、sh Style seems to always sided with the temperament.Rational trace of sensibility is the nature of British fashion.On the one hand,dress with more conservative and more cautious attention to detail,but not burdensome.On the other hand the British punk is in a pioneering.While compared to American pu

    12、nk,it is more clean,agile,leather,narrow-leg jeans,but also looks so pale and thin.Clothes in Great Britain Part Two Dress Etiquette Specific clothing belongs to a specific nation and is the most appropriate and best-mannered worn in certain people.The British are dainty about clothing and advocate

    13、more of suitable clothes than social status.No matter at any time,men and women pay special attention to clothing and dressing up,which is the first impression and make them more like a gentleman or lady.Whatever the social occasions is,6 PM is the time for changing clothes.Before 6PM the suit wore

    14、by nobility is called Morning Suit.If they are invited after 6Pm,men should wear Evening Dress,so called Tuxedo.When the British work,they always dress with solemnity and seriousness.Men will wear suit while women wear uniform.They think it can improve the efficiency of work.In social occasion,they

    15、will painstakingly dress themselves.They want to represent that they are the most special one.They think clothes have strong influence in their business.When they at home or travel,they like to dress casually.If they are not work,they emphasizes comfort most.Dress party以现代英国人的结婚典礼来说,因为结婚率下降,英国人一旦有婚礼可以举行大派对,搞些新花招的心态就更强。有些就是硬要来场“主题婚礼”,来客全都要求“特殊打扮”才能出席.有死党们偏好中世纪修女打扮,要不就是一整批蝙蝠女侠、哈利波特女巫、内裤外露的小天使都有,弄的街上像是嘉年华会一般热闹。除了婚礼之外,年底圣诞节也是礼服的大销季节,因为派对不断,整个12月都要赶场穿。要怎样不跟其他的人撞衫,又能在不同场合却同圈人士出席时,穿出既有品味又与众不同的礼服来,很多人在半年前就开始动脑筋了!Clothes in Great Britain


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