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    1、UNITFOURUNITFOURCounter-offerCounter-offer University of International Business and EconomicsWords&Expressionsnconcession n.让步ndeal n.交易nproposal n.建议nliterally ad.按字面意思地ndefinitely ad.肯定地nreasonable a.公道的(价格)nexecution n.贯彻,落实,执行nenforcement n.执行 University of International Business and EconomicsWo

    2、rds&Expressionsnstrategic move 战略举措nspecifically ad.具体的ncurrent a.通用的,现行的nper(metric ton)prep.每,(每公吨)nchemical fertilizer 化肥nexpand v.发展,扩大ncounter offer n.还价,还盘nentertain v.准备考虑 University of International Business and EconomicsWords&Expressionsnamount n.数量nrough a.大概的ntoken n.象征nforerunner n.前兆nro

    3、ck bottom price 最低价格nin that respect 在这方面nmight as well call the whole deal off 还不如索性放弃这一整笔交易 University of International Business and EconomicsWords&Expressionsnhave a way of talking me into it 有办法说服我nconsidering the quality 考虑到质量nweve been holding it for you 我们一直为你留着这批货nhave stood the competition

    4、well 经得起竞争nas a token of friendship 作为友谊的表示nprovided you take the quantity we offer 条件是你方接受我们提出的数量npull the business through 达成交易 University of International Business and EconomicsUsefulPhrasesandExamplesn1.There is no point.没有必要去做nThere is not much point in further discussing.n2.might as well不妨nSin

    5、ce there is a long way before us yet,we might as well take a rest here before continuing the walk.n3.considering考虑到nConsidering the high prices in general,our offer is quite competitive.University of International Business and EconomicsUsefulPhrasesandEpetition pete petitive adj.竞争nAs there is keen

    6、competition from other similar products,I strongly advise you to lower your prices.n5.entertain接受,准备考虑nAs our proposal for chemical fertilizers is based on close calculation,I hope you will entertain it without hesitation.nYour proposal cannot be entertained.University of International Business and

    7、EconomicsUsefulPhrasesandExamplesn6.provided假如nWe are ready to place a large order with you provided your price is favorable.n7.advise劝告,通知nId advise you not to go as it might rain this afternoon.nPlease advise us when the goods are dispatched.University of International Business and EconomicsAnswer

    8、Key-clozen1)What do you think of the sample we sent you last week?n2)Have we settled everything in connection with this transaction?n3)Well draw on you with our draft accompanied with(by)shipping documents.n4)To meet you halfway,what do you say to D/A at 60 days sight?n5)Please let us have your L/C

    9、not later than February.University of International Business and EconomicsAnswerKey-clozen6)Were not in a position to offer you any quantity for the time being.n7)Such a high commission adds to the cost.n8)Would you like to pay for our exports in Renminbi?n9)Does it make any difference to you?n10)Le

    10、t us have your L/C for this order one month before shipment.University of International Business and EconomicsAnswerKey-translationn 1)如果你方有兴趣,我们可以向你报盘新加坡到岸价每个英镑。n2)很难说我们何时能再行报盘。n3)卖得很快,库存渐少。n4)我们的价格定得合理。n5)按此价已售出很多,再降价是不可能的。n6)你们的还盘与现行市价不符。n7)抱歉得很,现时对你们产品尚无需求。n8)谢谢你们的报盘,但你们货物的规格不对路。n9)虽然我们当前不需要此种货物

    11、,但对你们报盘仍致谢。n10)很遗憾,你们的报盘没有引起我们用户的兴趣。University of International Business and EconomicsAnswerKey-translationnA:Weve studied your offer on wheat and find it out of line with the world market.It doesnt seem very hopeful to close the deal on that basis.Would you please reconsider it?nB:Well,this is our

    12、rock-bottom price,Mr.Li.No further concession can be made.nA:Mr.Smith,if that is the case,there is no need for further discussion.nB:Im thinking that we might as well call the whole deal off.What I mean is that the gap between your price and ours is too great.There is no way out.University of Intern

    13、ational Business and EconomicsAnswerKey-translationnA:To be frank with you,Mr.Smith,the price you quoted is impossible.I can show you that we can buy wheat from Australia at a price 20%lower than yours.nB:The price varies according to the quality.I can quote you on wheat of low quality and the price

    14、 will be comparatively low.nA:You neednt tell me this.The reason that we sent you inquiries is that we usually found your quotations rather reasonable.I think it unwise for either of us to insist on his price.University of International Business and EconomicsAnswerKey-translationnB:How about meeting

    15、 each other halfway?In this way we may be able to conclude the business.nA:What is your concrete proposal?nB:When I suggest that we meet each other halfway,I mean it literally.nA:You mean you reduce the price by 10%.I still think it is rather high.nB:Im disappointed at what you have just said.Thats

    16、really our rock-bottom price.I have to take the cost into consideration.There is nothing more I can do now.University of International Business and EconomicsAnswerKey-translationnA:Let me see.Can we once more meet each other halfway on that basis?Then if you agree,Well close the deal.I hope you will

    17、 not miss the chance to get this business.We can very well buy wheat from Australia.However,you are our old supplier.In order to keep up our good business relations,we choose to negotiate business with you and to buy from you.May I repeat that if you are not interested in this business,well soon pur

    18、chase from Australia.We cannot afford waiting for you for too long.University of International Business and EconomicsAnswerKey-translationnB:You certainly have a way of talking me into it.All right,lets meet each other halfway again.nA:Im very glad that we have finally come to an agreement.Well go on to other terms and conditions tomorrow.Is it all right to you?nB:Very good.See you tomorrow.


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