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    1、本科毕业设计(论文)外文文献题目:培训与开发1.Literature Research Training and developmentThe meaning of Training and development Training and development is the means to carry out certain business organizations and the need for investing in human capital, using a variety of ways to carry out the purpose of staff in a pl

    2、anned training and training management activities, and its goal is to enable staff to update knowledge and develop skills, improve staff motives, attitudes and behavior to adapt to the new requirements of enterprises, their current win better work or higher levels of job responsibility, thus contrib

    3、uting to the improvement of organizational efficiency and organizational goals. The development of training and development We all know that general education can only provide some basic low-level professional knowledge and skills. Face of large-scale enterprise development, the need for a number of

    4、 skills training in order to enable staff to achieve continuous business development. Therefore, the organization in order to raise labor productivity and personal satisfaction for professional, direct and effective for the organization of production and management services, the Government has imple

    5、mented a variety of methods, types of organizations to carry out investment activities in education and training. U.S. economist and Nobel Laureate in Economics, Schultz found that simply from the natural resources, physical capital and labors point of view, can not explain all the reasons for incre

    6、ase in productivity, capital and wealth as a form of conversion of peoples knowledge and abilities are decisive reasons for social progress. But it was not the acquisition cost, it needs to be formed through investment, training is an important investment in such a form. The level of training and de

    7、velopment The main groups of the organization of training, corporate training is to organize all the staff, staff positions held as a result of different orientation training with a variety of characteristics. In general, the main is divided into three categories: First, the decision-making level, a

    8、nd the other is management is the operation of three layers.The main contents of training and development Organization of training content and structure is inherent in the specific form of training, thus the development of the company Training content, and organization must be the cause of progress,

    9、 development strategies and goals, but sometimes in order to adapt to organizational changes in the external environment, but also training in the use of some emergency measures. Therefore, as the contents of the structure of training should be long-term development of the organization of production

    10、 with the current combination of common training content into the enterprise. Period of training and developmentDivided by time period, training can be divided into long-term training and short-term training, long-term training of more general scheme, there is a strong purpose; by training, job trai

    11、ning and can be divided into two full-time training; by the training system, organizations can be divided into the training system and training system for the two organizations, with the training system, including basic training, the applicability of training, day-to-day training, individual trainin

    12、g and training objectives; the training system organizations, educational institutions, if divided, can be divided into for three categories: full-time college and the recognition of higher education institutions, local governments and administrative departments of education and training institution

    13、s, the use of community resources to schools. Source of funding for training and development Organization of training funds mainly come from two ways: First, the source of the organization, mainly referring to organizations and staff training costs assessed; second is the raising of funds, first of

    14、all by the Government through taxes levied training, and then by the state organizations, social enterprises to co-ordinate the funding sponsorship. The economic benefits of training and development As the organization and implementation of staff training to improve skills and to mobilize the enthus

    15、iasm of the production, so under the same conditions of employees to create more effective. The increase in the efficiency, can be used in two ways: direct and indirect calculation method of calculation. In the course of training, trainees should pay attention to the learning curve and information f

    16、eedback, trainees listen to timely information that can help organizations improve the effectiveness of future training, to reduce unnecessary expenditures. In the training market, there are different styles of lecturers, there are different types of courses, some courses are developed by their own

    17、lecturers, some courses are foreign agents, and some courses are designed by companies. Training curriculum design is the first step in the design of different ways to use the curriculum, lecturers say is different, the final results of the training are different. Determines the script as a drama, t

    18、he curriculum design is the first step in training, but also determines the effectiveness of courses.The cost of training Education and training primarily on the basis of the level of information as well as the size of, the higher the level of information and larger, then the lower cost. Effective c

    19、ost control is in fierce competition in the market of the basic elements of success. However, the absolute cost control is not just the cost of compression, the need to establish a scientific and reasonable cost analysis and control system that allows business managers have a clear framework for the

    20、 companys costs, profitability in the right direction and decision-making, internal decision-making enterprises key support to radically improve the situation of the cost of doing business and thus truly effective cost control. 8 kinds of employee training forms 1, the teaching method: the training

    21、of the traditional way to use up the advantage of convenient, easy to control the whole process of training. The disadvantage is that a one-way transmission of information, poor feedback effects. Some of these notions are often used for training knowledge. 2, audio-visual technology law: adoption of

    22、 modern audio-visual technology (such as projectors, DVD, VCR and other tools), training of staff. Advantage of the use of visual and auditory perception of the way of clear-cut intuitive. However, feedback from students and practice less, and the cost of production and the purchase of a high conten

    23、t of easily outdated. It is used for business profiles, to impart training skills, conceptual knowledge can also be used for training. 3, to discuss the law: In accordance with the complexity and operation cost of the procedure can be divided into the general panel discussions and seminars in two wa

    24、ys. Lectures, seminars and more in the main, or after the half-way to allow students and lecturers communicate. Advantage of multi-directional transmission of information, compared with the teaching of good feedback effects, but higher cost. The panel discussion is characterized by law, when the exc

    25、hange of information for multi-directional transmission, the participation of students with high, low-cost. Used for the consolidation of knowledge, analysis of the training of students, problem-solving skills and the ability of human interaction, but the training of teachers on the use of the highe

    26、r. 4, case study method: the training of clients, through to the relevant background information, to find a suitable solution. The use of low-cost, effective feedback can be an effective analysis of the training of students problem-solving abilities. In addition, training in recent years studies hav

    27、e shown that the case, discussion can also be used for the training of knowledge category, and better.5, role-playing method: training grant to train teachers in the work of the design of which play a role in the training of teachers and other students in the students after performing the appropriat

    28、e comments. As a result of multi-directional transmission of information, feedback effects, and practical, and low-cost, and thus more capacity for human relations training. 6, self-learning method: This approach is more suitable for the general concept of knowledge, with emphasis on adult learning

    29、as a result of experience and understanding of the properties, so that a certain learning ability and self-conscious students is both economical and practical approach, but this method There are also deficiencies in poor supervision. 7, group interaction law: also known as sensitivity training. This

    30、 method is mainly applicable to the management of interpersonal and communication training. Training to enable trainees to experience activities to enhance their ability to deal with interpersonal relationships. The advantage is improved interpersonal relationships and communication skills, but its

    31、effects depend on the level of teacher training. 8, Network Training Act: is a new type of computer network information on training methods, greater input. However, due to the use of flexible and distributed learning in line with new trends, focus on training students to save time and costs. Large a

    32、mount of information in this way, new knowledge and new delivery concepts have obvious advantages, it is more suitable for adult learning. Therefore, for the strength of the popular business, training and development is an inevitable trend. The classification of training methods 1. Smile Training: t

    33、o serve the people, through a variety of special events, a speech full of passion, as well as recognition of participants, so that participants feel that the training process very interesting. 2. Hands-On Training: First of all new workers need to perform their work after the observation, and then,

    34、through long experience with those who mentor or work colleagues together, to digest, absorb and purpose of the skills. 3. Instrument Training: Through a standardized, there is no organization or organizations for the work of the evaluation tools tailored to obtain the relevant skills and their know

    35、ledge and information. 4. Objective-Based Instuction: including a structured, guiding the training design, the focus is to better the implementation of a work, the incumbent must learn the specific knowledge and skills. 5. Enterprises House: by inviting trainers to a series of staff training. 6. Pub

    36、lic courses: to participate in short-term training courses, job-related enterprises for the delivery of the staff to learn the relevant short courses, you can end the cost of provincial and corporate training people in different positions and better training. 7. The professional training courses: th

    37、ere is a similar human resources MBA classes, classes, director of the long-term nature of these high-end training courses, a set of professional knowledge into the system, it is time to start the use of industry and better facilitate the incumbent charge.The role of training and development Employe

    38、e training, as the ability to directly raise the level of managers and staff skills, providing new ideas, knowledge, information, skills, competence and professional growth of employees, the fundamental spirit of innovation and an excellent way to approach is the most important human resources devel

    39、opment, investment in physical capital than the more important investment in human capital. With Chinas accession to the WTO and the world economic integration, business has never been as great importance to training. In this paper, some personal views on the training to the training of innovative e

    40、nterprises. 1. Training - business to take off Effective training, in fact, is to enhance the competitiveness of our business process. In fact, the effect of training does not depend on the individual trainees, but the contrary, the business organization as a state of organisms, plays a crucial role

    41、. Good-to-business benefits of training four points: (1), training to improve staff-to-business sense of responsibility sense of belonging and ownership. On businesses of employee training more fully, more attractive to employees, human resources can play a more high-value-added, so as to create mor

    42、e effective business. Data showed that Pepsi-Cola Company of Shenzhens 270 employees 100 to conduct a survey, almost all of these people participated in the training. Of which 80% of the staff for their work expressed their satisfaction with 87% of employees are willing to remain in the company. Tra

    43、ining not only improved the skills of workers and trade unions to raise awareness of their own values, goals for a better understanding. (2), training to promote the business and employees, management and staff level of two-way communication, enhance cohesion and cohesiveness, excellent shape corpor

    44、ate culture. Many enterprises have taken training and commissioned their own training methods. Training to do so easily into the corporate culture, because culture is the soul, it is a core value for all employees of the education enterprise micro-cultural system. Enterprise management and staff agr

    45、ee that corporate culture will not only take the initiative to study scientific and technological knowledge and skills to master, but also would enhance a sense of ownership, quality awareness, sense of innovation. So as to nurture their professionalism, innovation and social responsibility to devel

    46、op all levels of scientific and technological knowledge self-consciously to create a favorable atmosphere for the invention, enterprise IT professionals will grow, enterprise technology development capacity will be increased. More papers in business management Maoshan under the Find. (3), training c

    47、an improve the overall quality of employees, increase productivity and service levels, establish a good image of enterprises, and enhance the profitability of the business. U.S. authorities monitoring, training return on investment of around 33% generally. The United States in the analysis of large-

    48、scale manufacturing companies, the company obtained from the training rate of return of up to about 20% -30%. Motorola annually to all employees with at least 40 hours of training. Survey: 1 U.S. dollars per Motorola training fees can be in 3 years to achieve the production efficiency of 40 U.S. dol

    49、lars. Motorola believes that the quality of good corporate employees have been through technical innovation and economical operation of the company has created four billion U.S. dollars of wealth. Training Motorolas huge investment in training revenue shows the importance of the enterprise. (4), to adapt to market changes, enhance the competitive edge of the reserve forces training enterprises, enterprises operating Yong-Ji vitality. To put it bluntly the competitiveness


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