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    1、Unit 6 Natural disasters Designed by SharonIntegrated skillsFloodRainstormDry and sunnyDroughtTyphoonFloodAccidentSnowstormBad trafficThunder and LightningA big fireSandyAmy1.What are they talking about?2.Was the big fire very terrible?3.Why did the school catch fire?4.Was anybody hurt?DialogueA:Did

    2、 you hear about?B:No.What happened?A:My e-friend Vivien told me about it.There wasB:Oh,really?A:Yes.It was terrible.B:Was anybody hurt?A:Talking about natural disasters If there is a big fire,we should call 119 hotline for help.If somebody is hurt,we should call 120 hotline for help.If there is a tr

    3、affic accident,we should call 110 hotline for help.Date of callTime of callTime of arrivalPlaceNo.of victimsConditions of victims Action28th January7.40 p.m.7.45 p.m.Starlight Street,Sunshine TownTwoMr Su:OK,but felt cold and frightenedMrs Su:hurt her left legArrived at Sunshine Hospital at 7.55 p.m

    4、.The police report Accident report form Accident:Their car crashed into(1)_.They are(2)_ in the car.Weather:There is(3)_ and it covers the whole place.Date of call:(4)_Time of call:(5)_Name of caller:(6)_Place:(7)_No.of victims:(8)_Conditions of victims:Mr Su-(9)_ Mrs Su-(10)_Action:Policemen arrive

    5、d at _.Sent the victims to _ at _.a treetrappedheavy snow28th January7.40 p.m.Su NingStarlight Street,Sunshine TownTwoOK,but felt cold and frightenedhurt her left leg7.45 p.m.Sunshine Hospital7.55 p.m.Dear VivienHow are you?I left school early yesterday because the snowstorm got worse in the afterno

    6、on.The snow was really heavy.This morning I read a newspaper article about a car accident.A man named _ called the 110 hotline at _using his mobile phone.His car crashed into _ near Starlight Street in _.He and his wife were _ in the car.The snow was _ and it covered everything.The policemen arrived

    7、 at _ and they sent them to _at _.Mr Su felt _ and _but he was not hurt.Mrs Su hurt her _ but it was not very serious.Now,I know that bad weather can be dangerous.What about London?Do you have snowstorms there?Pleasee-mail me soon.Sandy Su Ning7.40 p.m.a treeSunshine Towntrappedheavy7.45 p.m.Sunshin

    8、e Hospital7.55 p.m.coldfrightenedleft legVivien received Sandys e-mail.Now she is talking about the car accident with her mother.Please complete their conversation.Vivien:Mum,I got an e-mail from Sandy.Mum:What did she say?Vivien:She told me there was Mum:Oh,really?Then what happened?Vivien:A man na

    9、medMum:What did they do when they were trapped?Vivien:They called 110 hotline using a Mum:What did the policeman do?Vivien:The policemenMum:Bad weather can be We must be When:last weekWhere:at Viviens school in BritainReason:a heavy storm with thunder and lightningResults:terrible,school caught fire

    10、 a holiday,no one was hurtThe big fire in BritainDear SandyHow are you?My school caught fire last weekPlease e-mail me soon.Vivien Life is beautiful because of the strong will.生命因坚强而美丽生命因坚强而美丽 Life is wonderful because of the true love.生活因关爱而精彩生活因关爱而精彩.a mobile phoneThe snow covered everything.The mans hand is hurt.It is serious.


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