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    新目标九年级unit 15课件.ppt

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    新目标九年级unit 15课件.ppt

    1、Lets go to the zoo.What animals can you see in the zoo?NameFoodDescriptiongray gentle enormousfurry brownaggressivespotted spotted fastfastaggressiveaggressiveNameFoodDescriptiongentlefurrywhite and blackaggressivefastplayfulFurrynoisyKind of animalmanateeNumbersHabitatReason why they are endangered

    2、DescriptionListenListen and complete the chart.2500the water under the trees in mangrove swamps.*swamps being polluted.*not enough food.*10 feet long,*1000 pounds heavyA:1_?B:Ive just been to the natural museum.A:2_?B:We saw a lot of endangered animals,like manatees,pandas,chimpanzees(黑猩猩黑猩猩)and so

    3、on.A:4_?B:Because people have done something bad to them and theyre dying out.A:Thats a really bad thing.But 5_?B:Yes,I think we can do something to help.We can tell people how important these animals are.A:I agree with you.Where have you beenWhat did you seeWhycan we do something to helpZoos are te

    4、rrible placesZoos are important places*Fill in the chart.Animals are kept in tiny cagesAnimals can hardly move at allAnimals are only given food once a day.Zoos are living textbook.Zoos provide homes for endangered animals.Educate people about caring for them.Zoos are bad for animals*Zoos are good f

    5、or animalsI think I believe thatI feel thatI agree with you.I disagree with you.Advantages for students mobile phoneDisadvantages for students mobile phone*spend too much moneyparents burden becomes heavy.keep in touch with parents,friends conveniently and quickly.get help in time when get in troubl

    6、e My favorite animals are pandas.I like them very much because they are gentle and shy.They are also 1_to people.And they look funny,too.Their eyes are the most interesting part.The black circles around their 2_ make them look like they are wearing glasses or have just been in a fight.Their favorite

    7、 food is bamboo 3_.They dont like to move around very much.But now pandas are endangered.For one thing,people have destroyed many of their habits.For another,they dont have 4_ food to eat.We must think of ways to 5_ them.I think we should build more panda zoos and plant more bamboo for them.I hope e

    8、veryone can do something for animals,so that we can keep our world rich and colorful and full of interesting animals.friendlyeyesleavesenoughprotectFill in the blanks according to the main ideas.*Try to find more endangered animals in the world and write a short passage about how to save them or pro

    9、tect them.Endangered animals DesertificationNatural disastersPollutionHow to save the planet?Check easy(E)or difficult(D)._*stop riding in cars._*recycle books and paper._*turn off the lights when you leave the room._*refuse to use the plastic bags._*dont put the waste water into the river._*plant m

    10、ore trees and glass._*.A:Recycling books and paper is really easy.B:I agree.But its difficult to stop riding in cars.A:Recycling books and paper is really easy.B:I agree.But its difficult to stop riding in cars.A:Recycling books and paper is really easy.B:I agree.But its difficult to stop riding in

    11、cars.A:Recycling books and paper is really easy.B:I agree.But its difficult to stop riding in cars.ED to what Julia and Jack talk about.Check the things.Things Julia and Jack talk aboutThings Julia is doing nowThings Julia will do in the futureThings Julia would never do_ turning off the light_ turn

    12、ing off the shower_ stopping using paper napkins_ taking your own bags when shopping._ not riding in cars_ riding a bike_ recycling paperHouse parts Things made fromThe wallsThe fenceThe roofold glass bottlesdiscarded tilesused soda cans*Fill in the chart.*Answer the questions.1.Who is Amy Winterbou

    13、rne?2.2.Did she win an award?Whats it?3.3.What does she do in her spare time?Joe Winterbourne loves the clothes his mother made for him.At school,everyone calls him Mr.Recycle.His hat is made from_Look at the pictures and finish the article.Use the phrases“made from”and“used to be”.the bottom of the

    14、 petrol drum.His bag comes from red trousers which is too short for him.His beautiful scarf used to be the carpet in his house.Please write something about how to recycle these things Every day,we throw much rubbish.Where does the rubbish go?We bury most of it in a land fill(垃圾填埋场垃圾填埋场),but the land

    15、fills in many cities in the U.S.are almost filled.Many of the old landfills have poisons that can make water and soil(土壤土壤)around them dangerous to your health.What can we do to help?Follow the three Rs:REUSE,REFUSE,and RECYCLE.REUSE You dont need new bags every time you go to the store.Reuse the ol

    16、d ones-and you had better use cloth bags,not plastic ones.REFUSE Stop buying anything that is over packaged.Also look for products that come in boxes made of recycled cardboard(硬纸板硬纸板).RECYCLE People can use cans,newspapers and plastic bottles again.So dont throw them away.Send them to the recycling

    17、 center.()If we go shopping we neednt take any bags because there are enough plastic bags.()“Ruse”means”use old bags again”.()“Refuse”means“dont buy products that comes in boxes made of new cardboard”.()“Recycle”means“collect cans,newspapers and plastic bottles and use them again”.Read the article and choose(T)or(F).FFFT Can you see what these things are made from?Try to think out more ways to recycle these things?


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