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    八年级英语Jobs Reading课件.ppt

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    八年级英语Jobs Reading课件.ppt

    1、Unit 6 Jobs ReadingWho is he?He is Wang Damin.Where is he?He is on the side of the river.What is he doing?He is cooking a meal.What is it?It is a large bird.It is a cormorant.Wang Damin sits on the side of the river.He is cooking a meal,with a large bird on his head.Is Damin young or old?He is old.H

    2、e is elderly.How old is he?He is over 60 now.What job does he do?He is a fisherman.Does he work every day?Yes,he does._raftHow do you know that he can work every day?He is _ enough to _ his raft.strongcontrolDoes he live and work alone?No.He lives and works with his _.cormorants_cormorantDamin is a

    3、_.He is over _ now but still works every day.He is _ but still _ enough to control his _ on the river.He lives and works with his _ on this river.fisherman60elderlystrongraftcormorantsa fishing roda cormorantbambooa polea raftLabel this picture with the words in the box.a cormoranta rafta fishing ro

    4、dbambooa pole1 metre longWhat color is the cormorant?It is black.How long is it?It is a metre long._diveWhy is it good at catching fish?Because it can swim well under water.It can _ down 25 metres and stay under water for up to two minutes.diveCormorants large feet are used to push them quickly thro

    5、ugh the water.Cormorants are large,_ birds,about a metre _.They are good at _ _ because they can swim well under water.Their large feet are used to _ them quickly _ the water.They can _ down 25 metres,and stay under water for _ _ two minutes.blacklongcatchingfishpushthroughdiveuptoDoes Damin fish wi

    6、th a fishing rod?VSDamin does not require nets or a fishing rod to catch fish.He uses his cormorants.Cormorant fishing is a traditional Chinese skill.require-needtraditional-being part of a groups way of life for many years in the same way.By whom is the job done for him?Who do the job for him?His c

    7、ormorants do the job for him.The job is done for him by his cormorantsHow many birds?TwelveThey set off in the late afternoon?set off:start(a journey).Damin sets off on his bamboo raft with his birds in the late afternoon.What is the cormorant doing?It is eating.It is swallowing the fish.swallow:mak

    8、e food,drink,etc.go down your throat into your stomach.What should Damin do if the fish were swallowed?He tied around the neck of each bird with a piece of grass.tie:hold two or more things together with string,rope,etc.What is it?It is a lightWhere is it hung?It is hung from the front of the raft.W

    9、hy did he hang a light there?Because this enables him to see better.and also attracts the fish.enable:make able;allow something to happenEg:The new lamp enables me to read much better.How do the cormorants catch the fish?They swim down and catch the fish,and bring then back to the raft.Who remove th

    10、e fish from the birds mouthsThe fisherman remove the fish from the birds mouths and throw them into a big basket.The fish are removed from the birds mouths by the fishermanand thrown into a big basket.What does Damin do with the fish?He sells the fishThe fish are sold by DaminSome of the fish are so

    11、ld,and the rest are divided between Damins family and the cormorants.Is Cormorants fishing a traditionalChinese skill fifty year ago?How many people are interestedin doing this job?What are now widely used?Modern fishing methods are now widely used.Few young people课文缩写填空:An old t 1 job in China is s

    12、till used today in many areas.Damin is an example.He is a f 2 who fish with birds.his birds are called 3 c_.They have large feet and use them to push quickly through the water.The fisherman works every day with his birds on his raft.He fishes at night having their cormorants 4 d_and catching fish of

    13、f their small rafts.He even doesnt 5 r_net or fishing rod.The birds dive into water for up to twominutes and bring up some fish.A piece of grass is 6 t_to their throat so they can not 7 s_ the fish;but it does not hurt the bird.They seem to enjoy their divingand bringing back fish to the raft and of

    14、 course they get a reward from the fisherman too.Some of the fish are sold and the rest are 8 d_ between his family and the birds.In China,you will see many sites like this.But few young people have 9 i_ in doing this type of work any more.Later,perhaps cormorant fisherman will no longer 50 e_In the

    15、 world.C1.Find these words in the artclie on the pages 86 and 87.Then read the words around them and choose the best meaning.1.fisherman a.a person who catches fish as a job b.a person who sells fish as a job c.a person who cooks fish as a job2.require a.make b.sell c.need3.attracts a.makes somethin

    16、g become bigger b.makes something become popular c.makes something come somewhere4.removed from a.put into b.dropped from c.taken out of5.rest a.a period of doing nothing b.a period of silence c.the part leftC2.Find the words in Column A in the article.Then read the words around them and choose thei

    17、r meanings from Column B.A B 1.elderly a.being part of a groups way of life for many years in the same way2.set off b.held two or more things together with string,rope,etc.3.tied c.starts(to go somewhere)4.traditional d.old1.d 2.c 3.b 4.aa fishing roda cormorantbambooa polea raftC3.Label this pictur

    18、e with the words in the box.a cormoranta rafta fishing rodbambooa poleD Read and thinkD1.What do the words in italics below refer to?Look back at the article to find out.Choose the right answers1.because they can swim well under water.a.fish b.cormorants2.That is done for him a.Catching fish b.Using

    19、 nets or a fishing rod.3.This enables the fisherman a.The raft b.The lightD2.Each of these sentences below has one mistake.Look back at the article carefully and correct the sentences.1.Damin sometimes sits on the side of the river with a large fish on his head.2.Damin is over 56 now,nut he works ev

    20、ery day.3.Cormorants are large,black birds,about a kilometre long4.Cormorants use their wings to push them through the water.5.Damin often goes fishing in the morning.6.He ties a piece of grass around the neck of each fish.7.At night,he has a fire on his raft so he can see better.8.The fish are remo

    21、ved from the fishermens mouths.D3.Answer these questions with Yes or No.Give evidence from the story to support your answers.1Cormorants can swim well under water.Is that right?_.Because their large feet _.2.Cormorants can swallow the fish.Is that right?_.Because a piece of grass _.3.The fisherman c

    22、an see well at night.Is that right?_.Because _.4.Few young people are interested in doing this type of work any more.Is that right?_.Because _.Yes are used to push their quickly through the water.No is tied around the neck of each bird.Yes a light is hung from the front of the raft.Yes modern fishin

    23、g methods are new widely usedWhat does the story tell us?It tells us the traditional Chinese occupation of fishing using cormorants.P1:Wang Damin is a cormorant fisherman.Although over 60,he is fit and still working.P2:Cormorants are large birds which can swim under water and catch fish.P3.A fishing

    24、 trip is described.Wang and his birds set off on his raft.He ties grass around the birds necks.The birds swim down and catch fish.He removes the fish from the birds mouths.P4.Cormorant fishing is a traditional skill,but soon it will no longer exist in the modern world.Filling in the blank.1.Nowadays

    25、 in China,young people dont want to live with the e_ people any more.2.A f_ is a person who catches fish as a job.3.The fashion show a_ a lot of media interest.4.Could you please r_ your bag from the seat to make room for me?5.Paper-cutting is a kind of t_ art which is popular in the northwest of China.6.This kind of work r_ great care and patience.7.The Internet e_ us to learn what is happening in the world more quickly.8.The whole class is d_ into groups to have a debate.9.There are a great deal of reading m_ in our library.10.With the sun rises,fog begins to d_.


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