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    八年级英语If you go to the party课件4.ppt

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    八年级英语If you go to the party课件4.ppt

    1、What will happen tomorrow?It will be sunny tomorrow.They will have a trip tomorrow.用用ifif合合并并成成一一句句They will have a trip if it is sunny tomorrow.If在此引导一个条件状语从句。当主句是一般将来时时,在此引导一个条件状语从句。当主句是一般将来时时,if引导的从句必须用一般现在时来代替一般将来时,表示将引导的从句必须用一般现在时来代替一般将来时,表示将来可能发生的动作或存在的状态。来可能发生的动作或存在的状态。ifisWill beWhen do you

    2、get up on weekends?I get up at 9:00 on weekends.What will happen if you get up at 9:00 this morning?If you get up at 9:00,you will be late.If you do,you will be late.What will happen if you arrive late for school?If you arrive late for school,your teacher will be angry with you.If you do,your teache

    3、r will be angry with you.What will happen if your teacher is angry with you?If your teacher is angry with you,you will be sad.What will happen if you wear jeans on weekdays?If you wear jeans,your teacher wont let you in.If you do,your teacher wont let you in.let sb in Dont wear jeans on weekdays!让某人

    4、进来让某人进来If you do,she will be happy.What will happen if you go to Jennys party?If you do,you will have a great time.1.I think Im going to go to the party with my friend.2.I think Im going to wear jeans on weekdays.3.I think I get up at 9:00.4.I think Im going to stay at home.a.If you do,the teachers

    5、wont let you in.b.If you do,youll be late.c.If you do,youll be sorry.d.If you do,youll have a great time.Look for the friendIt is going to rain tomorrow.I will stay in bed.If it rains tomorrow,I will stay in bed.rainsIfif or:I will stay in bed If it rains tomorrow.rainsIf温馨提示温馨提示:if if引导的条件状语从句既可放在主

    6、引导的条件状语从句既可放在主句前句前,也可放在主句后也可放在主句后.从句置于主句前时从句置于主句前时,须须有逗号与主句隔开有逗号与主句隔开,反之则不用逗号反之则不用逗号.What will happen if you sleep in class?If you sleep in class,you wont get good grades.If you sleep in class,your teacher will be angry.You wont get good grades if you sleep in class.Your teacher will be angry if you

    7、 sleep in class.If you play computer games on weekdays,youll be very tired in class.If you play computer games on weekdays,your parents will be sad.Youll be very tired in class if you play computer games on weekdays.Your parents will be sad if you play computer games on weekdays.Look at the picture

    8、and make up sentences using“if”.If you study hard,you will get good grades.If you study hard,you will have a good job.You will get good grades if you study hard.You will have a good job if you study hard.Look at the picture and make up sentences using“if”.singerIf you become a singer,you will be fam

    9、ous.If you become a singer,you will make much money.You will be famous if you become a singer.If you become a singer,you will make much money.Look at the picture and make up sentences using“if”.Dear Jenny,Thanks for inviting me to the party.Of course present,you are happy.I hope it wont rain that da

    10、y.Because if it wont rain,my little son will come,too.If he comes,you arent disappointed,he is really funny.OK,see you on the party.Yours,will bedoesntgivewont beIll go to the party.And I think if I will give you a Please help me correct the sentences.Rosev Correct and WriteWrite about your own plan

    11、s using sentences with“if”and“will”.Choose two things and write about both.Example:Maybe Ill become a teacher.If I become a teacher,I will work with children.I love children,so Ill be happy.I will also be able to work outside sometimes.But I wont be famous.Maybe Ill be a doctor.If I become a doctor,

    12、I will be able to help people.But I wont be able to work outside and I wont be able to work with children.So I think I will be a teacher.You can use:Doctor:help others busy Actor:be famous make much money have no time Police:exciting dangerous busy work outside Bank clerk:boring free Homework Making a dialogue with your partner,to talk about your dream jobs,using sentences with“if”and“will”.A:Im going to be a/an B:If you become a you will


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