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    八年级英语Go With Transportation课件1.ppt

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    八年级英语Go With Transportation课件1.ppt

    1、Lesson33 How Can You Go?Whats your favorite type of transportation?trainbuscarplanetake atake atake atake aHow do you go to school?I walk to school.How does he go to work?He takes a car.Because its too far.How do they travel?They can take a boat.How do they travel?They can ride a horse.Talk about:Yo

    2、u are going to the bookstore this Sunday.What type of transportation will you use?How long will you use?Is there a faster way?Lesson34 Trains Go on Rails!How do you usually travel to some other places?Who invented the steam engine?When did the first passenger rail open?How fast do trains go?What do

    3、you know about the railways in China?What is the speed of the trains in China?Which do you like better,a high-speed train a low-speed train?Why?Discuss the following questions:Lesson35 Future TransportationLesson35 Future TransportationThe Development Of The Driving CarsHenry Ford TheCarsEarlyoldThe

    4、 first motor car Oh!Dangerous!Oh!Dangerous!No!The speed limit was 6.5 Kilometers per hour from1865 to1878 in England!Fordmass-producedCars were firstModel T Ford Remember:Henry Ford in the U.S.The Danny Wheel!The Danny Wheel!Help!Lesson36 Lets Take a DriveLesson36 Lets Take a Drive Suppose you are i

    5、n Piccadilly Circus in London.You have only 20and its4:10p.m.now.You have to get to Healthrow Airport at 5:00p.m.Which transportation do you want to choose to get there on time?()1You can walk to Victoria Station(about thirty minutes),and catch a bus to Healthrow.It cost 8.00,but its quite slow beca

    6、use of the traffic.The journey takes about an hour.The buses leave every hour at 3:00,4:00,5:00.()2You can take a taxi.It takes about forty-five minutes and costs 30.00.()3You can take the underground from Piccadilly Circus to Padington Station at 4:15(It takes 15 minutes and costs 1.50)Form there,y

    7、ou can take a fast train from Padington Station direct to Healthrow at fifteen to five.The fast train costs 12,and the journey takes exactly fifteen minutes.()4You can take the underground from Piccadilly Circus to Healthrow Airport at half past four.Its cheap(3.50),but the trains are very crowded in the afternoon.The journey takes about two hours.The key:2How do you get to school?I walk to school.I ride a bike.I take a car.I take a bus.How do people go to work?Take a minibus.Take a taxi.Walk.Raid a bike.How do your relations go to school/work?How long does it take?


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