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    八年级英语School life课件10.ppt

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    八年级英语School life课件10.ppt

    1、在英国在英国,中等教育通常在中等教育通常在11-16岁岁,并按照并按照year划分划分(Years7-12)Year 相当于中国的年级相当于中国的年级学生岁时要参加普通教育证书(学生岁时要参加普通教育证书(GCSE)的的考试通过后才能在学校或私立中学接受两年的考试通过后才能在学校或私立中学接受两年的中等教育,之后要参加级考试中等教育,之后要参加级考试美国的中等教育通常分为初中(美国的中等教育通常分为初中(6th-8th grades)和高中(和高中(9th-12th grades)9th grade 相当于中国的九年级相当于中国的九年级Partners PK softball gamebudd

    2、y clublunchtimeHome Economicsdriving lessonreading weekread the passages:Home Economics tasty as well softball buddy hero mixed school seniora close frienda person with good qualities,admired by many peoplewith a pleasant tastea school for both boys and girlstooa subject about cooking and sewinga st

    3、udent in the year before graduation from a high school or collegea kind of ball gameLife in a British school:Who wrote the first passage?(John)What activity does the school have every year?(They have Reading Week every year)Listen and answerLife in an American school:Who wrote the second passage?(Na

    4、ncy)Who else are mentioned in the passage?(Jim and Julie)1.In a mixed school,boys and girls have lessons together.2.Johns favourite subject is English.3.Students at Johns school can read magazines during the reading week.4.Students must not talk in class during the reading week.5.You can have drivin

    5、g lessons at age 16 in the USA.6.Nancy plays softball twice a week.7.Every Monday,Nancy meets Julie to talk about school.8.American students go to shopping malls at lunchtime.Home Economicscan talk to friends near the end of the classafter schoolLife in a British schoolLife in an American schoolJohn

    6、:Nancy:Subject/activitieswhenWhat to do in year 8 at Woodland School near London in 9th grade at Rocky Mountain High School in DenverHome Economicsreading weekdriving lessonssoftballbuddy clubevery yeartwice a weekevery Mondaycan cook healthy and tasty mealsread any books from the school librarydriv

    7、e me to school every dayspend a lot of time practicinghelp me with homework and listen to my problemsRead after the tape John was in _ at Woodland School near London.Its a _ school.His favourite subject is _.So he can cook healthy and _ meals now.His school has a _ Week every year.He and his classma

    8、tes can read any books from the school library.And they can even_ in books and _from home.Reading Week is always too _ because he wants to read others books _.Year 8mixedHome EconomicstastyReadingbringmagazinesshortas wellNancy is 14 years old.She is in 9th g_ at Rocky Mountain High School.Her broth

    9、er Jim had d_ lessons last year.Its great for her because he d_ her to school every day.Its f_ than taking a bus.She plays s_ twice a week.She spends lots of time p_.Every Monday she goes to a b_ club.Her buddy is Julie.Julie h_ her learn all about her new school.She helps Nancy w_ her homework and

    10、listens to her p_.Nancy thinks Julie is a h_.During lunchtime,she has a great time t_ to each other.Sometimes they go to s_ malls after school.raderivingrivesasteroftballracticinguddyelpsithroblemseroalkinghoppingMake a dialogue with John/Nancy to know about their school livesYou:Where do you study,

    11、John?John:I amYou:What is your favourite lesson at school?John:Oh,my favourite lesson is I like learningYou:Do you have special activities at school?John:Yes.We have every year.We canYou:Thats great!Model:John1.in Year 8 atnear2.a mixed school3.Home Economics4.how to 5.do things for himself before6.

    12、cook healthy and tasty meals7.a reading week 8.read any book from9.bring in books and magazines from10.have to tell11.near the end of 12.too short13.as well Nancy1.in 9th grade in2.have driving lessons in school3.drive me to school4.faster than taking the bus5.twice a week6.play softball after schoo

    13、l 7.spend a lot of time practicing8.go to a“buddy club”9.older students talk toabout10.a senior in 12th grade11.help her learn all12.listen to her problem13.her hero14.during lunchtime15.have a great time 16.go to shopping mallsTalk about your school lifeLife in a Changzhou schoolName:_Grades:_Subje

    14、cts:_ _Clubs/activities:_ _Changzhou Beijiao Middle SchoolGrade 8 Maths,Chinese,English,Physics,Geography,History,Computer Studiessports meeting;volleyball matchMusic DayDiscuss your ideal school life and then make a report.Start timeFinish timeLunchtimeSubjectsSports After-School activities Maths Football Chess Club English Basketball School trip Computer Badminton Cooking Club PE Table tennis Music Club Art Swimming Reading ClubSchool uniformsSchool trip1.熟读课文2.熟记有关生词,短语和句子3.完成相关练习


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