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    八年级英语Computer technology Language课件.ppt

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    八年级英语Computer technology Language课件.ppt

    1、Comparative&SuperlativeComparative&Superlative8A C4 Language MissingMissingName:Name:Name:Name:Bob Bob Skin Color:Skin Color:Black&White Black&WhiteHeight:Height:1.4m 1.4m Weight:Weight:110110 kg kg Last seen:Last seen:At Salad Post Office At Salad Post Office 31 August,2009 31 August,2009 What was

    2、Bob doing at the What was Bob doing at the post office?post office?31 August,0931 August,09 Dear Dear SunnieSunnie,Hi!Can you help me?Today,when we Hi!Can you help me?Today,when we talked about parties,Mom and Dad talked about parties,Mom and Dad quarelledquarelled again.Its worse than again.Its wor

    3、se than before.before.I dont want to stay home.I dont I dont want to stay home.I dont want to see them.Can you help us want to see them.Can you help us plan a party?plan a party?Bob BobSusanSusanPeterPeterMistletoeMistletoeWe are going to plan a party for Bobs family by comparing things.adjectivecom

    4、parativesuperlative Change Change the adjectives into the adjectives into comparatives and paratives and superlatives.The fastest can get The fastest can get 1 point1 point for your group.for your group.A A truetrue sentence with a sentence with a comparativecomparative can get can get 1 point1 poin

    5、t!A A truetrue sentence with a sentence with a superlativesuperlative cancan getget 2 points2 points!Step 1:Step 1:Which festival would you Which festival would you like to hold a party for?like to hold a party for?Step 2:Step 2:What would you like to What would you like to buy for the party?buy for

    6、 the party?Every group should discuss which festival you would like to hold a party for.Everybody should give opinions and reasons,and the recorder should take notes.Have a vote for your final decisionStep 1I think its I think its betterbetter to to hold a Spring Festival hold a Spring Festival part

    7、y because party because I think its I think its betterbetter to hold a to hold a Christmas party Christmas party because because Step 1We think its We think its betterbetter to to hold a Spring Festival hold a Spring Festival party because party because We think its We think its betterbetter to hold

    8、 a to hold a Christmas party Christmas party because because FoodDecorations装饰装饰DrinksFoodNoodles&DumplingsPrice:¥300Pizzas&PastaPrice:¥450 Dim Sum Price:¥350HaiduHaiduFood Dim Sum Price:¥350HaiduHaidu Fries&Burgers Price:¥200Pizzas&PastaPrice:¥450DrinksSodasPrice:¥200 Coffee Price:¥450 Tea Price:¥2

    9、50Deco-rationsCouplets&PostersPrice:¥100PapercutsPrice:¥80 Lanterns Price:¥150DecorationsChristmas TreePrice:¥300Balloons Price:¥60 Danglers Price:¥150Every group should discuss what to buy for the party.Everybody should give opinions and reasons and recorders should take notes.Have a vote for your

    10、final decisionsComplete your presentations and get ready.Step 2 We think to hold a is We think to hold a is better because.better because.We choose because We choose because The whole plan cost The whole plan cost in in total.total.FoodNoodles&DumplingsPrice:¥300Pizzas&PastaPrice:¥450 Dim Sum Price:

    11、¥350HaiduHaiduDrinksSodasPrice:¥200 Coffee Price:¥450TeaPrice:¥250Deco-rationsCouplets&PostersPrice:¥100PapercutsPrice:¥80 Lanterns Price:¥150The whole plan cost _ in total.The whole plan cost _ in total.Food Dim Sum Price:¥350HaiduHaidu Fries&Burgers Price:¥200Pizzas&PastaPrice:¥450DrinksSodasPrice

    12、:¥200 Coffee Price:¥450 Tea Price:¥250DecorationsChristmas TreePrice:¥300Balloons Price:¥60 Danglers Price:¥150The whole plan cost _ in total.What did we learn today?1.Comparative&Superlative;2.How to plan a party;3.How to make a presentation.AssignmentWrite an article about a party for your favorite festival/holiday 1.Why do you like the festival the best?2.What would you buy for your party?Why do you choose them?Use at least 5 comparatives/superlatives


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