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    1、小学五年级英语上册单元知识点梳理及检测5A Unit 6 Doing housework一、重点词汇讲解stand站立 sit 坐 sleep 睡觉jump 跳 run 跑 walk 走路sweep扫 floor地板 sweepthefloor 扫地 clean 擦,打扫 window 窗cleanthewindow 擦窗cleantheclassroom 打扫教室 washclothes 洗衣服 ring 铃响home 家 at home在家housework 家务劳动 do housework 做家务劳动 homework 家庭作业 do homework做家庭作业free空闲 Maths

    2、数学help 帮助 help me帮助我 come and help me 来帮助我helpmewithmyMaths 帮助我的数学helpmewithmyEnglish 帮助我的英语afternoon 下午 thisafternoon 今天下午二、重点句型讲解1、It is Sunday morning. 现在是星期天的早上。2.They are doing housework. 她们在干家务活儿。3.The telephone is ringing. 电话铃响了。4. Are you free now? 你现在有空吗?5. Can you come and help me with my

    3、Maths? 你能来帮我学数学吗?6. What am I doing? Guess! 猜我在干什么?7. Whats Mike doing? Mike在做什么? Hes sleeping.他正在睡觉。 5A 第六单元检测听力部分一、 听录音,选出你所听到的选项。(听两遍)ABC()1、windowwatertomorrow( )2、floor allsmall( ) 3、freethree swim ()4、ringringing singing( )5、telephoneelevenelephant ()6、rightlightnight()7、kitchensittingchicken(

    4、)8、homeworkworkerhousework()9、sweepsleepeat()10、makeKatecake二、听录音,选择正确的答句。(听两遍) ()1、A:Hi,ImNancy.B:ThisisNancy.C:ImNancyspeaking.( )2、A:Shessweepingthefloor.B:Weresweepingthefloor. C:Imateacher.( )3、A:Imdoinghousework.B:Hesdoinghousework.C:Shesdoinghousework.()4、A:Thankyou.B:Notatall.C:Sure.()5、A:Ye

    5、s,heis.B:No,Mikeisnt.C:Yes,sheis.三、听录音,完成下列句子。(读三遍)_isSunday_.SuYangandSuHai_athome.SuHaiis_the_.SuYangiscleaningthewindowsandthedoors.Thetelephoneis_.Nancywantsthemtogoand_herwithher_.笔试部分一.选择填空。( )1.It is _ Sunday evening. A. / B. at C. in ( )2. What _ Nancy and Helen doing?A. is B. are C. am( )3.

    6、 How _ this one?A. many B. much C. about( )4. -_ you like swimming? - Yes, I do .A. Can B. Do C. Are( ) 5. -What _ you do? -I can dance. A. can B. do C. are( ) 6.Tom, can you come and help me _ my English?A. at B. in C. with( )7. Look , Jim is _ in the playground. A. running B. run C. runs( )8. I _

    7、free now. I can go to the park with you.A. can B./ C. am( )9.- Whats Su Yang doing? -_.A. She is singing. B. She is a student. C. She can sing.( )10. Lets _the jacket on the bed.A. washing B. put C. do二.将下列对话补充完整.注意时态.(正在进行时构成:be+动词的现在分词)Today is Sunday. Some students _ (play) in the park. Look ,Yan

    8、g Ling _ (skate). Wang Bing _ (run). David and Li Dong _(play ) football. Betty and Mary _ (dance).Lets go and join(加入) them.三.词组1.做家务 _ 2.做家庭作业_3.怎么样? _ 4.帮助他_5.帮助我数学_ 6.今天下午 _7.做个蛋糕 _ 8. 听音乐_四.翻译句子1. 现在是星期六下午. _ 我的父母在做家务. _ _2. 他在做什么? _ 他在做他的家庭作业. _3.你能来帮助我数学吗? _4.今天晚上怎么样? _5.苏海呢? _ 她在做什么? _ _ 她在家

    9、跳舞. _6. 他会游泳吗?_ 是的,他会_7.看,他正在游泳_五、根据答句,完成问句:1._ are you going? Im going to the park.2. _ is the ruler?Two Yuan.3. _ you watching TV? No, Im not.4. _ you like swimming? Yes, I do.5. _ birds can you see? Fifteen.6._ lanterns do you like? I like rabbit lanterns.7._ are you, Ben? Im here.听力内容及答案一1.water

    10、 2. floor 3. free 4. ringing 5.telephone 6. night 7. sitting 8. homework 9. sleep 10. makeB A A B A C B A B A二 1.Whos that speaking?2. Whats Helen doing now?3.What is your father doing?4. Thank you.5. Is Mike making a cake?1. B 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. A三. It afternoon are sweeping floor ringing help Engli

    11、sh笔试答案一、1. A 2. B 3. C 4. B. 5. A 6. C 7. A 8. C 9. A 10. B二、are playing, is skating, is running, are playingare dancing 三、1.do housework 2. do homework3. How about? 4.help him5. help me with my Maths 6.this afternoon7. make a cake 8. listen to the Music四、1.It is Saturday afternoon. My parents are d

    12、oing housework.2.What is he doing? He is doing his homework.3. Can you come and help with my Maths?4.What about this afternoon?5. What about Su Hai? What is she doing? She is dancing at home.6. Can he swim? Yes, he can.7. Look, he is swimming.五、1. What 2.How much 3. Are 4. Do 5. How many 6.What 7. Where


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