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    1、1. Its a long term! We are at school for about five m_.2. Please e_ me at maryg2 if you find the keys.3. -Is this your green pen?-No, it isnt. The blue pen is m_.4. My mother doesnt like hamburgers b_ she says that they are not healthy.5. Our classes f_ at about 11: 55 in the morning.6. Every day, o

    2、ur teachers come to school very early. But they go back home very l_.7. -How do you read March 12th? -It reads march the t_.8. -What do you do after school? -I often play ping-pong w_ my classmates.9. He is a Chinese. He c_ from Shanghai, but now he is studying in the USA.10. The Spring Festival in

    3、China falls in F_ this year.11. Tom can speak English very w_because he is from England.12. -How about w_ TV with me?-Sorry, I must finish my homework now.13. Many people have r_. They always listen to music or news with them.14. My teacher always k_ the answers to my questions. He is a superman.15.

    4、 J_is the first month of a year.16. Janes uncle has two children so she has two c_.17. Im tidy, but Gina is not. Gina,s books are e_.18. We sell all our clothes at very good p19. My birthday is July nineteenth, and your birthday is the next, July t_.20. I find a red schoolbag on the playground. Is i

    5、t y_?21. I am 20 now. Today is my t_birthday.22. Good learning h_can help us to study better.23. Mike thinks this movie is b_. But Lily thinks its interesting.24. The new store s_all kinds of fruits at very good prices.25. Thats for s_that Jim likes music very much, because he always listens to it.2

    6、6. -Is this pen yours, Eric?-No, you can ask Helen. I think its_.27. Its your turn now. Who is n_, Mike or Bill?28. Its easy for people to travel in Hangzhou because you can see public bikes e_.29. I ask teachers q_after school when I need help, and they are always glad to answer them.30. How about

    7、p_ ping-pong after school? That sounds good.31.Bill likes carrots, chicken and fruit for d_ because he thinks they are healthy.32. My fathers brother is my u_.33. The third day of a week is T_.34. Lucy l_ her key to he classroom this morning. And her classmates helped her find it.35. Toms room is no

    8、t t _.You can see his things everywhere.36. -Hi, Tom. Lets play basketball.-That s_ good.37. May is the f_ month of the year.38. Many clothes are on s_ in the store today. Lets go shopping now.39. -Can you s_ the new word jacket?-Yes, J-A-C-K-E-T.40. Im very busy from Monday to Friday, but Im often

    9、f_ on Saturday and Sunday.41. Mr. Cool sells all his old clothes at very good p_.42. The s_ of keys is not mine, but hers.43. Little George likes his m_ plane very much. He always plays with it.44. My brother usually f_ his homework before 9 oclock in the evening.45. Id like some noodles with beef a

    10、nd t_ for dinner today.46. In western countries, Thursday is the f_day in a week.47. F_is the second month in a year.48. Welcome to go and buy your clothes at our great s_.49. Jenny is sorry to be l_ for school.50. -Dear Lisa, thank you for h_ me clean the classroom!-You are welcome!51. Good morning

    11、, boys and g _, lets begin our class.52. Lily d _ like English. She thinks its boring.53. T_ comes before Wednesday.54. David asks me about my eating h_.55. This shop s_ school things, like pens, erasers and so on.56. September is the n_ month of a year.57. We have to go to school f _ Monday to Frid

    12、ay in China.58. He t_ his mother is at home now.59. Are you f_ this Sunday? Id like you to go shopping with me.60. Im r_ busy now. Can I call you back later?参考答案1.months; 2.e-mail; 3.mine;4.because; 5.finish; 6.late;7.twelfth; 8.with; es10.February; 11.well; 12.watching;13.radios; 14.knows; 15.Janua

    13、ry;16.cousins; 17.everywhere; 18.prizes;19.twentieth; 20.yours;21.twentieth;22.habits; 23.boring; 24.sells;25.sure; 26.hers; 27.next;28.everywhere; 29.questions; 30.playing;31. dinner; 32. uncle; 33.Tuesday;34. lost; 35. tidy; 36. sounds;37. fifth; 38. sale; 39. spell;40.free41. price; 42. set;43. model; 44. finishes; 45. tomatoes;46. fifth; 47. February; 48. sale;49. late; 50. helping51. girls;52. doesnt; 53. Tuesday; 54. habits;55. sells; 56. ninth; 57. from;58. thinks; 59. free; 60. really;


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