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    《外贸英语函电》Unit 5 Counter.pptx

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    《外贸英语函电》Unit 5 Counter.pptx

    1、Unit 5 Counter Offers5.1Introduction If a buyer does not agree with any or some of the transaction terms of a quotation or a firm offer,he sent a counter offer.Acounter-offer is virtually a partial rejection of the original offer and also a counter proposal initiated by the buyer or the offerer.The

    2、buyer may show disagreement to the price,or the packing,or shipment and state his own terms instead.When the receiver disagree with the offer sent to him or her and makes some changes,the changed one is called a“counter-offer”,while the original one,when expired,will be replaced by the counter offer

    3、.In the counter-offer,the buyer may show his disagreement to the certain term or terms and state his own idea instead.Such alterations,no matter how slight they may appear to be,signify that business has to be negotiated on the renewed basis.The original offer or the seller now becomes the offeree,a

    4、nd he has the full right of acceptance or refusal.In the latter case,he may make another counter offer of his own.This process can go on for many rounds till business is finalized or called off.Ifitisamendedagain,anothercounterofferismadeuntilanacceptableoneisworkout.Thisfinalandacceptedofferisfirma



    7、fer);Expressregretatinabilitytoaccepttheoffer(counteroffer);Reasonsforinabilitytoaccepttheoffer(counteroffer);Counteroffer:yourowntermsandconditionsuponwhichbusinessislikelytomaterializeAwishofbusinessopportunitiesinfuture.返返回回Key wordsCounteroffer:n.还盘还盘(或或counter-offer)构词成分构词成分counter-表示表示“反反”的意思:


    9、,每打20美元美元CFR洛杉矶价。洛杉矶价。Wecounteroffer100,000dozenpadlocksatUSD$20perdozenCFRLosAngeles.常用句型句型1:对价格的抱怨(1)我们很遗憾告知你方,尽管我们很满意你方产品的质量,但我们认为你方价格偏高。We regret to inform you that your price is rather on the high side though we appreciate the good quality of your products.(2)我们很遗憾你方价格与现行价格不符。We very much regre

    10、t that your price is out of line with the prevailing market.out of line with 与不一致,不相符 in line with 与一致 1)1)你方的价格与现行的市场价格完全不一致。你方的价格与现行的市场价格完全不一致。Your price is entirely out line with the price ruling in the present market.2)2)你方所询购的货物超出我们的经营范围。你方所询购的货物超出我们的经营范围。The goods you enquired are out of line

    11、with the scope of business activities.3)3)你方价格颇为合适,但交货期太长。你方价格颇为合适,但交货期太长。Your price is quite in line,but the time of delivery is too distant.the present price the present price 现行的价格现行的价格 the ruling price the ruling price 现行的价格现行的价格the going price the going price 现行的价格现行的价格 the prevailing price the

    12、 prevailing price 现行的价格现行的价格 the current price the current price 现行的价格现行的价格 the prevalent price the prevalent price 现行的价格现行的价格常用句型(3)尽管我们渴望与你方成交,但我们遗憾地说你方价格不可接受。Although we are desirous of doing business with you,we regret to say that your price is unacceptable to us.find our prices too low find our

    13、 prices too low 认为我方价格偏低认为我方价格偏低 find our prices reasonable find our prices reasonable 认为我方价格合认为我方价格合 find our prices competitive find our prices competitive 认为我方价格具认为我方价格具有竞争性有竞争性 find our prices in line with the market find our prices in line with the market 认认为我方价格与市价一致为我方价格与市价一致find our prices w

    14、orkable find our prices workable 认为我方价格可行认为我方价格可行 find our prices acceptable find our prices acceptable 认为我方价格可认为我方价格可接受接受 (4)find your price too high 认为你方价格偏高 常用句型句型2 与其他供货商价格相比(1)印度产的商品以大约低于你方10%的价格在本地出售Indian makes have been sold here at a level about 10%lower than yours.(2)与其他货源的价格相比,你方的价格比他们的报价

    15、几乎高出10%。When comparing with the other suppliers prices,your price is almost 10%higher than theirs.常用句型(3)你方的价格比我们从其他货源得到的价格高得多。Your price compares much higher than that we can get from elsewhere.常用句型句型3 还盘建议(1)为了促进贸易,我们还盘如下:500吨核桃,每吨600美元成本加保费欧洲主要港口。To step up trade,we counter offer asfollows:500 to

    16、ns of Walnuts at USD 600/ton CIF EMP.(2)由于核桃行市下跌,除非你方能够降价5%,否则无法成交。As the market of Walnuts is declining,there is no possibility of business unless you can reduce your price by 5%.常用句型(3)我们不否认你方产品的质量比印度产品好,但差价绝不可能大于10%,我们还盘是每吨900美元成本加保费运费汉堡。We dont deny the quality of your products is superior to th

    17、at of Indian makes but the difference in price should in no case be as big as 10%.Our counter offer is USD 900 per ton CIF Hamburg.5.3Lettersforexample1A.B.Greenwood&CO.,LTD315LensRoadLondon,EnglandJune.4,2007ChinaNationalImport&Exportcorp.TianjinChinaDearsirs,Wethankyouforyourofferof1stJunefor25,00




    21、ttoreducethepricefordyedcottonshirtingandweawaityourreplywithgreatinterest.Yours faithfully,A.B.Greenwood&CO.,LTDManger2A.B.Greenwood&CO.,LTD315LensRoadLondon,EnglandFebruary 24,2007China National Import&Export corp.TianjinChinaDear sirs,We wish to thank you for your letter of the 20th Feb.,offering

    22、 us 50 long tons of the captioned goods at USD 105.00 per long ton CIF London,usual terms.In reply,we very much regret to state that our end-users here find your price too high and out of line with the prevailing market level.Information indicates that the sugar of England make have been sold at the

    23、 level of USD 98.00 per long ton.Such being the case,it is impossible for us to persuade our end-users to accept your price,as goods of similar quality is easily obtainable at a much lower figure.Should you be prepared to reduce your limit by,say 8%,we might come to terms.Itisinviewofourlong-standin

    24、gbusinessrelationshipthatwemakeyousuchacounter-offer.Asthemarketisdeclining,wehopeyouwillconsiderourcounter-offermostfavorablyandfaxusacceptanceatyourearliestconvenience.Weareanticipatingyourearlyreply.Yours faithfullyA.B.Greenwood&CO.,LTDManger3ChinaNationalImport&Exportcorp.HebeiRoadTianjin,ChinaA

    25、pril 5,2007Greenwood Textiles Co.,Ltd315 Lens RoadLondon,EnglandDear sirs,Werefertoyourfaxofthe2nd,inwhichyouaskedformorefavorableterms.Weregretthatatthepresentmoment,weareunabletooffermorethanthetermsagreeduponlastyear.Apartfromthefactthatourprofitmarginarealreadylow,thereistheadditionalproblemofma

    26、intainingourretailpricesatacompetitivelevel.We,nevertheless,are willing to give you a discount on larger orders and enclose a list of the lines with the appropriate discount against each one.We hope that these generous discounts will bring about a substantial order.We look forward to hearing from yo

    27、u soon.Yours sincerely,China National Import&Export corp.Manger Statingthereasonsforexpressingregretatinabilitytoaccepttheoffers/ordersa.Muchtoourregret,asyourofferisoutoflinewiththemarketlevel,itisdifficultforustoacceptit.b.Weregrettosaythatwecannotacceptyouroffer,asyourpriceisunworkable.c.Wewouldm


    29、ounterofferinyourinterest,thatatUS$26.00perpieceCFRVancouverontheusualterms.KeyWords&ExpressionsTranslation in Class1、我们不否认你方产品的质量比日本产品好,但差价绝不可能大于10%,我们还盘是每吨900美元成本加保费运费汉堡。We dont deny the quality of your products is superior to that of Japanese makes but the difference in price should in no case be

    30、 as big as 10%.Our counter offer is USD 900 per ton CIF Hamburg.2.我们很遗憾你们的发盘比美国供应商的价格高出5%。We very much regret that your offer is 5%higher than those from the American suppliers.3.羊毛行市目前疲软,除非你方能降5%,否则无法成交.As the market of Wool is declining,there is no possibility of business unless you can reduce you

    31、r price by 5%.4.兹遗憾通知你方,本地买主认为你方报价太高。We regret to inform you that our customers here find your price too high.5.我们的报价相当合理,且已为你地其他客户所接受。As our price is quite reasonable,it has been accepted by other customers at your end.6.至于男士衬衫,我们盼望能够按接近我们的价格成交。As for/ewgarding Mens shirts,we look forward to doing

    32、business with you at a figure close to our quoted price.7.7.你方还盘与现行市场价不符。你方还盘与现行市场价不符。Your counteroffer is not in line with the prevailing market.8.8.很遗憾,我们的价格与你方还盘之间的差距太大很遗憾,我们的价格与你方还盘之间的差距太大。We are sorry the difference between our price and your counteroffer is too wide.9.9.很遗憾我们不能把价格降到你方所表示的水平。很遗

    33、憾我们不能把价格降到你方所表示的水平。We very much regret that we cannot reduce our price to the level you indicated(stated).11.11.你方必须降价百分之二左右,否则没有成交的你方必须降价百分之二左右,否则没有成交的可能。可能。You must reduce your price by 2%otherwise business is impossible.The price we quoted is quite reasonable,which has been accepted by the other

    34、buyers at your end.10.10.我们的报价相当合理,(这)已为你地其他客我们的报价相当合理,(这)已为你地其他客户所接受户所接受。12.如你方将报价减3%,我们可立即接受你方发盘。If you can make a reduction of 3%in your quotation,we will accept the offer without delay.Translate the following letter敬启者:感谢你们6月26日的报盘以及寄来的餐具样品。尽管我们很欣赏这些餐具的优良品质,但我们遗憾的说,你们的价格似乎太高。如果接受你们的报价将使我们在销售中无利可

    35、图,因为其他供应商对同样品质的商品出价更低。因此我们建议你方将价格减至25美元/套,否则无法成交。我们期待着你们的确认。谨上Dear sirs,Thank you for your offer of June 26 and samples of Dinner Sets you kindly send us.While we are appreciating the good quality of your DinnerSets,we regret that your price appears to be on the high side.To accept the price you quo

    36、ted would leave us no margin of profit in our sales,since the other suppliers are offering lower prices for Dinner Sets of same quality.Therefore we suggest you reduce the quoted price to USD 25/set,otherwise there is no possibility of business.we look forward to your confirmation.yours faithfully执事



    39、盘盘予予以以认认真真考考虑虑并并早日传真接受我们的还盘。早日传真接受我们的还盘。谨上,谨上,Translate the following letterDearXXXX,Subject:SilkBlouseWe have acknowledgement of your letter of February 20 offering us 3,000 dozen of the Captioned goods at 45.00p per piece CIF London on the usual terms.In reply,we very much regret to state that our

    40、 end-users here find your price too high and out of line with the prevailing market level.Information indicates that the price of your products is 20%higher than that of the Indian origin.We know clearly that the quality of Chinese products is slightly better but the difference in price should not b

    41、e as big as 20%.such being the case,it is impossible for us to persuade our end-user to accept your price,as material of similar quality is easily obtained at a much lower figure.To step us the deal,on behalf of end-users,we counteroffer as follows,subject to your confirmation reaching us before the

    42、 end of this month:at 36.00p per piece CIFC2%London,other terms as per your letter of Feburary 20.It is in view of our long-standing business relationship that we make you such a counteroffer.As the market is declining,we hope you will consider our counteroffer most favorable and fax us acceptance a

    43、t your earliest convenience.Yours faithfully,敬启者:敬启者:兹确认收到你方兹确认收到你方5 5月月9 9日来函,请我们将日来函,请我们将T T恤衫的价格减恤衫的价格减10%10%。非常抱歉,我们发现难以满足你方的要求,因为如果把质量考虑非常抱歉,我们发现难以满足你方的要求,因为如果把质量考虑在内,我们的价格是相当合理的。然而,为了在你地拓展市场,我们在内,我们的价格是相当合理的。然而,为了在你地拓展市场,我们已决定接受你方还盘,只限此试购订单,下不为例。已决定接受你方还盘,只限此试购订单,下不为例。我们希望能马上成交,静候佳音。我们希望能马上成交,

    44、静候佳音。谨启谨启Dear Sirs,We confirm having received your letter of May 9,asking us to make a 10%reduction in our price for Tshirts.Much to our regret,we find it intolerable to complywith your request because our price is quite reasonable if you take the quality into consideration.However,in order to devel

    45、op our market in your place,we have decided to accept your counter-offer as an exceptional case.We hope we can conclude business before long and await your prompt reply.Yours truly,Skilldrilling(1 1)You You are are asked asked to to write write a a letter letter or or an an email email in in reply r

    46、eply to to the the counter-offer counter-offer you you just just received received.In In your your letter,letter,the the following points should be covered:following points should be covered:a)a)难以接受还盘,最多只能减价难以接受还盘,最多只能减价2%2%;b)b)怀疑其他产品的质量能否与你们的相比;怀疑其他产品的质量能否与你们的相比;提请对方注意,质量其实比价格更重要;提请对方注意,质量其实比价格更重

    47、要;(2)The following is a fax youjustreceived.Pleasereaditandthendraftafaxinreply:DearSirs,Re:chinawareWe have noted your fax of October 10regarding the captioned goods and regretthatourofferhasnotbeenaccepted.We have to point out that yourcounter-offerisobviouslyonthelowside.Thepriceweofferedisentire

    48、lyinlinewiththemarketlevelandhasbeenacceptedbymanyothercustomers.However,we now agree in yourinteresttorenewouroffertilltheendof this month and recommend thatyoufaxusyourconfirmationwithoutdelay.Yoursfaithfully,课后练习I.Translatethefollowingtermsandphrases:at ones earliest convenience尽早 make a concessi

    49、on to sb.向某人让步 usual terms惯常条款 Japanese make日本货 on the high side偏高 price gap价格差距 accept the counter-offer接受还盘 the bottom price 最低价the ceiling price 最高价 before long 不久以后be out of line 不相符合 margin of profit 利润空间subject article 标题货物 at your end 在你处II.Fillintheblankswithproperwordsorexpressions:1.found,

    50、high2.in 3.List,reference4.Close,near 5.without6.Feel7.cannot8.In,position,contact9.Reply,information/reference 10.place attention11.Quote,basis 12.subject,reaching 13.do,make 14.regret,accept/entertain 15.declining,reduce 16.position offer 17.market,appreciate 18.attention instead III.Translatethef


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