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原文: Emergent E-Commerce in Agriculture Rolf A.E. Mueller1 E-commerce redefines the rules of doing business, its future is spectacular, those who embra


1、原文: Emergent E-Commerce in Agriculture Rolf A.E. Mueller1 E-commerce redefines the rules of doing business, its future is spectacular, those who embrace it early will be the winners but the hesitant w。

2、 原文: Emergent E-Commerce in Agriculture Rolf A.E. Mueller1 E-commerce redefines the rules of doing business, its future is spectacular, those who embrace it early will be the winners but the hesitant 。

经济管理外文翻译 农业电子商务的出现.doc
经济管理 营销 外文翻译 外文文献 英文文献 农业电子商务的出现.doc
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