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1、 二单项选择共15小题;每小题1分,计15分 21. The lovely girl often her things her friends . A. share, with B. shares, with C. share, to D。

2、二单项选择共15小题;每小题1分,计15分 21. The lovely girl often her things her friends . A. share, with B. shares, with C. share, to D. 。

3、20182019学度下学期初一英语第16周组合练习题 完型填空 Pets are popular now. Many people keep small 1 as pets. They keep them in a tank of 2. T。




7、象棋俱乐部Join in:表示参加某些活动 Many people join in the game every year.play 乐器类the play the guitar the violinthe drumsthe piano 非。

8、oin the army 参军 join the NBA 加入美国篮球协会Join the artsportsmusicEnglishchess club 参加体育音乐英语象棋俱乐部play 乐器类the play the guitar t。

9、三人称及人称代词的不同形式主格和宾格 1三种人称:第一人称i,we,第二人称you,you,第三人称he,she,it,maria. 2人称代词的主格,即人称代词位于句子主语位置时的形态:i,we,you,you,he,she,it,mar。

10、 在中国 6pen pal 笔友 14 years old 14岁 favorite subject 最喜欢的科目 7the United States 美国 the United Kingdom 英国 New York 纽约 8speak。

11、t present to buy for Simon. 2.在床上多呆十分钟 再来一些书 再来几个蛋糕 再来一些牛肉 spend ten more minutes in bedstay in bed for another ten minu。

12、 thank him 3 his work. There are lots of 4 to him every day, too. Jim Green gets up at 6:00 every morning. He has bread 。

13、home and play with me. We sing and dance. Someone plays the piano and someone plays the guitar. Lunch is very nice. Afte。

14、 4. 5.二 听对话,从ABC三个选项中选出最佳选项.5分 6. A. She is tall. B. Shes twelve. C. She is short. 7. A. Its closed now. B. Its open now。

15、w 答案: A 解析:本题考查感叹句. news 是不可数名词,因此我们用 A.如用 D 选项,正确表达为 How exciting the new is 2. Could you tell me A. what he happened B。

16、形填空的过程就是按照作者的本意再造文章本来 面目的过程.考生在做该试题的时候,除了要有必要的语言知识和技能以及知识点的辨析能力外,还要具有了解作者的写作意图或本意的能力.要做到这一点,在平时的学习过程中一定要注意多读文章以培养语感,做到见多。

17、ork 等口语交际活动,引导学生学会运用指示代词介绍人物,帮助学生掌握家庭人员的称谓,区分单指和复指. 教 学 重 点 : 1 词汇 father ,mother ,grandfather, grandmother , brother ,s。

18、 US 32. 英语中有 个音素,其中有 个元音音素, 个辅音音素. A. 26;5;21 B. 48;20;28 C. 48;28;20 D. 26;21;5 33. 表示世界卫生组织, 表示世界贸易组织 A . WHO; WOT B。

19、龄 手 他床 Just for Fun 晚上好 Starter Unit 2 Section A 1b 这用英语怎么说一 张地图.一个橙子. Section B 1a 用英语说这是什么一把钥匙.请拼一下. Self Check 3夹克衫 艾。

20、1,2,3,Enable students to think and imagine their future by this lesson,Encourage students to speak more and practice th。

21、Harry,Potter,87142020,FIRST NAME,Its an ID card,Whats this in English Its,a pen,e,a ruler,e :n,Whats this in English It。

22、 7590 9099 100,always usually often sometimes seldom never 100 9099 7590 2575 1025 0,always C:lweiz usually ju:VuEli,My 。


24、th to sb give sb sth,take to,认真听,装满,所有的东西,在儿童节那天,一位来自美国的妇女,一个另一个,listen carefully,be full of ,all the things,on Children。

25、ernet radio satellite TV,New StructureEveryone will study at home.There will be a computer on every desk in the future.I。

26、an orange,oranges,Do you like,vegetables,tomatoes,broccoli,Do you like,broccoli,tomato,可数名词:1.是可以计数的名词;2.可数名词前可以用a, an, 。

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初一英语上册 专题练习.doc
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