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1、 重点短语归纳&拓展 Unit 1 Past and present 重点短语 1. past and present 过去和现在(P. 6) 【拓展】in the past 在过去 go past 经过 in the past/last few years 在过去的几年里 in past years 在过去的岁月 at present=at the moment 此刻,现在 at tha。

2、Unit 8 Grammar A Past continuous tense Studying aimsStudying aims 1.学会使用过去进行时。
2.掌握过去进行时与一般过去时 的区别。
Tomplayfootball.is ing Lucy is readabook.ing WhatisTomdoing? WhatisLucydoing? Revision: Presentcon。

3、Welcome to the unit 1.知识目标: 学习词汇:bet, foggy, rainy, snowy, 学习词组:look cool, with nothing on, so hot 学习句子: Which season do you like best? Its the best time to play football outside. Which is your favour。

4、 Unit4 Do it yourself课后练习 题一: 翻译: 房间里烟雾弥漫。
题二: 翻译: 教室里装满了鲜花。
题三: 翻译: 我们这座楼有八层。
翻译: 她不仅很会演奏,而且还会作曲。
Notonly _MissLi_music,butalsoshe_sports. A. does.like; like。

5、Nature Reserve. 3.easy( 副词副词 )_ 4.important ( 名词名词 ) _ Many people do not understand the _ (important) of the wetlands. 5.active ( 副词副词 )_ 6.polite ( 反义词反义词 )_ 7.honest ( 反义词反义词 )_8.noise ( 形容形容 词词 )_ 9.correct ( 反义词反义词 )_ northern comfortably northern comfortably easily importance importance actively impolite dishonestnoisy incorrect 2 词组回顾词组回顾 3 词组默写词组默写 1. 去观鸟 去观鸟 2. 飞往北方国家飞往北方国家 3. 在中国东北部在中国东北部 4. 提供某物给某人提供某物给某。

6、语1. wash away 冲走 wash 代词away2. be all wet 全湿了3. start to rain 开始下雨4. wake up 醒来 wake代 词 up wake up+名词5. mop up the water 把水拖干净6. crash into a tree 撞在树上7. start big fire 引起大火8. fall from the tree 从树上掉下来9. a heavy storm with thunder and lightening 伴有雷电的大暴雨10. catch fire 着火11.in the early morning 在清晨12.feel a slight shake 感觉到轻微的晃动13.hear a loud noise like thunder 听到像雷声的噪音14. start to shake 开始摇晃 shake hands with sb. 15.scream in fear 恐惧地尖叫16. run out of the buildi。

7、about Beijings past and present 6. hear about/ofhear from sb.= receive/ get ones letter=receive/get a letter from sb.7. living conditions 8. return sth. to sb. 9. make communication much easier10. go/travel/study abroad 11. at primary school 12. keep in touch with each other 13. communicate with sb.14. take place15. Many changes have taken place in my hometown.16. travel to and from the town by bus, taxi or train17. green hills all around 18. a river runs through。

8、d mannerspolite-politelydrop litter everywhereleave the tap runningpick flowersobey traffic rulesqueue for ones turntake turns to do sth.,at school:,in class:Listen carefully in classTake notesDont talk in class.Dont eat in class .Dont sleep .Dont cheat in your study.,after class:Dont run after others .Dont make noise.Dont fight with each other .Dont play tricks on others .Dont push others.,Dont talk loudly. Dondr。

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