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1、n frogs Five Four Three Two One ,They are small.They are green.They have big mouths.They have strong legs.They can jump and swim.They live in the pond.What are they?,Riddle,_ _ _,frog,l o g,Dont be sad. Lets play with the frogs. They are lovely.,I dont like frogs.And I am hungry.,What do you like?,I like sandwiches.,Haha! Youre a frog now. Frogs dont like sandwiches.,What do frogs like?,They like dragonflies.,dragon_ _ _,f l y,dragonflies,fly,dragonfly,butterfly,firefly,。

2、 pupil. Im happy today.,Because I have P.E. lesson.,And well hold a skipping competition (跳绳比赛)today. Do you want to join in(加入) us?,Skipping Competition,Come on!,tired,Its tired and _.,How does it feel?,hungry,happy,sad,hungry,tired,full,thirsty,happy.,full.,hungry.,sad.,tired.,thirsty.,How do you feel?,Im/Were,Ill go to the park . Im _.,Danny has a new friend . He s_.,Fairy is _. She want an ice-cream.,Eddie cant swim . He is _.,Claudia is_. She is s。

3、es a headmistress.,headmistress,What does he do?,Hes a dancer.,He can very well.,dance,What does she do?,Shes a ,too.,dancer,What does he do?,Hes a singer.,He can very well.,sing,What does he do?,Hes a basketball player.,He can very well.,play basketball,What does she do?,Shes a basketball ,too.,player,a boss,a manager,a lawyer,an accountant,an engineer,a clerk,a boss,a manager,a lawyer,an accountant,an engineer,a clerk,Ask and answer:,Thank you!,。

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