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一根据首字母提示,完成下列单词的拼写.1.The actresses and a play very well in that film.2.My brother looks h in that black jacket.3.Its one,一词汇:1. 动词三单形式现在分词:pay pays pa


1、一词汇拼写A.根据括号里的汉语写出所缺的单词1.We are from 不同的 countries.2.There are some 薄饼 on the plate.3.Can you 回答 these questions4.Dont as。

2、一单词:1. 动词过去式:will would order orderedanswer answered blow blew get gotbrush brushed exercise exercisedrun ran clean clea。

3、一单词拼写A.根据句意和首字母提示,写出单词.1.Carols father is a f .He has to feed the cows every day.2.I like life in the city, but my paren。

4、一单词拼写I.根据句意和汉语提示写出所缺的单词1.They are going to have a picnic on the 海滩.2.Dont 喊叫 at our parents, because its not polite.3.Wh。

5、一词汇1. 动词的过去式:camp camped stay stayedshout shouted fly flewsurprise surprised move moved begin beganjump jumped wake woke。

6、一根据首字母提示,完成下列单词的拼写.1.The actresses and a play very well in that film.2.My brother looks h in that black jacket.3.Its one。

7、一词汇:1. 动词三单形式现在分词:pay pays payingturn turns turningspend spends spendingclimb climbs climbingenjoy enjoys enjoying2. 构词法。

8、一根据句意及首字母或汉语提示写单词,完成句子.1. Susan works in a big h. She is a doctor.2. Look left and right to make sure its safe before yo。

9、一词汇:1. 动词三单形式现在分词:rain rainsrainingsnow snowssnowingcook cookscookingvisit visitsvisitingsit sitssittingskate skatesskat。

10、一根据句意及首字母提示写单词,完成句子.1. We must drink lots of water in d weather.2. A little boy is s on the lake with thick ice.3. Does 。

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