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一重点单词1.memory n.记忆2.clear v. 清理;清除3.board n. 木板 blackboard4.own v.拥有 owner5.part v.分开;离开6.certain adj.某种的,某事 certainly7,I.根据句意和汉语提示写出所缺的单词A:1.She like


1、一重点单词1.memory n.记忆2.clear v. 清理;清除3.board n. 木板 blackboard4.own v.拥有 owner5.part v.分开;离开6.certain adj.某种的,某事 certainly7。

2、I.根据句意和汉语提示写出所缺的单词A:1.She likes to eat something甜的.2.How much is the small toyIts only 80 美分.3.The silk dress feels 柔软的。

3、一重点单词1.invent v.发明;创造 invention 名词2.progress n.进步不可数名词 3.rapid adj. 快速的;迅速的 rapidly副词4.unusual adj.不同寻常的 usual usually6。

4、一根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成每空1. Its dangerous here. Please take the kid to a s place.2. You can ask for help 无论何时 you need it.3. Ti。

5、一重点单词1.treasure n.珠宝;财富2.island n. 岛 on the island 在岛上3.introduce.to.v.向.介绍.4.technology n. 科技,工艺5.actually adv. 真实地,事实上。

6、一根据句意和汉语提示写出所缺的单词A:1.English is a useful 工具 if you want to know more about the world.2.We are attracted by the美 of the m。

7、一重点短语1. feel free to do.可以随便做某事2. as far as I know 就我所知3. take in. 吸入.4. risk ones life 冒着生命危险5. in the face of. 面对问题困难等。

8、一根据句意和汉语提示写出所缺的单词A:1.The area of the pattern is about five平方 meters.2.The cat jumped over the 墙 and went away.3.Lots of 。

9、重点单词:1.提建议的句式:Why dont you 动词原形Why not 动词原形 How about动词ing2.too much 不可数名词 too many 可数名词复数 太多.much too形容词副词very 形容词副词3.I。

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