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短语归纳1.go out to sea 出海2.go to the moviessee the film看电影3. grow up长大4.put.down放下 记下5.on page25 在第25页6.at least至少7.hurry u,重点短语1.How is the weather.What


1、1.He asked me, Can I borrow your bike 改为间接引语He asked meheborrow my bike.2. Scott is good at reading. 改为同义句Scottin readin。

2、短语归纳1.go out to sea 出海2.go to the moviessee the film看电影3. grow up长大4.put.down放下 记下5.on page25 在第25页6.at least至少7.hurry u。

3、重点短语1.How is the weather.Whats the weather like.天气怎么样2.in the rainy weather 在雨天3.talk about the weather with friends 和朋友。

4、一按要求完成下列句子,每空一词1. I know Badaling is part of the Ming Great Wall. 改为一般疑问句DoyouknowBadaling is part of the Ming Great Wal。

5、I.根据句意及首字母提示填写单词.1. The yellow shirt doesnt fitme. Its too large.2. Tom and Alice got marriedthree years ago and they ha。

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